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Mic: ShOtA!

Aizawa: what?

Mic: I've got a radio show!

Aizawa: you do?

Mic: yep! Mic's radio show. Not very inventive but yk.

Aizawa: *giggles* its what you've always wanted.

Mic: I know! I'm loving it! I answer questions, play songs, sing songs, talk about things and hopefully I'll get guests on when my show gets bigger.

Aizawa: *kisses Mic* I'm proud of you

Mic: Yay!


Mic: *asleep*

Aizawa: *gets in from patrolling* *goes to his and Mic's room* *sees Mic and smiles* *changes into something more comfortable and lays next to Mic*

Mic: *wakes up slightly* Honey-?

Aizawa: yeah it's me. Go back to sleep darling.

Mic: *rests his head on Aizawa's chest and falls asleep again*

Aizawa: *wraps his arm around Mic and falls asleep*


Aizawa: *listening to Mic's radio show*

Mic: *answers a call from a listener* Hey listener!

???: Hey. I have a question.

Mic: go ahead.

???: What would you do if something happened to Eraserhead?

Mic: depends on what context. He got a promotion? I'd celebrate. He got hurt? I'd cry and get angry. If he... died-? I don't know what I'd do. I'd be lost without him. He is my guardian. My everything. My world. If he was gone it would be like the Earth with no sun. No one would ever see me I'd be hidden away somewhere. Anyway does that answer your question?

???: yes. Thank you. *hangs up*

Aizawa: *crying happy tears* 'I love that idiot'


Aizawa: Mic you sure you'll be okay by yourself?

Mic: Yep!! I'll be fine!

Aizawa: okay then. *leaves*


Aizawa: *answers his phone* Hello-

Mic: *crying* ShOtA cOmE hOmE! I've tRiEd HuGgInG yOuR PiLlOw bUt It won't hUg BaCk!

Aizawa: *giggles* I'm almost home.

Mic: gOoD!


Mic: guys you seen Aizawa?

Shinso: he was in your room.

Mic: okay. Thanks. *yeets off*

Aizawa: *in one of Mic's hoodies, asleep with a book in his hand*

Mic: *giggles* *takes the book and puts it down on the bedside table* *sits on the bed next to him and holds him close*


Aizawa: *finished patrolling*

Mic: *talking to All Might*

Aizawa: *walks in and hugs Mic from behind, hiding his face in Mic's neck*

Mic: hello.

Aizawa: hey.

Mic: tired?

Aizawa: yes.


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