Erasermic and Glittery Bird

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Shoto: have either of you two noticed Dadzawa has been a lot more quiet then usual-?

Eri: yeah I've noticed.

Shinso: yeah- I'm kinda worried.

Shoto: same- do we tell Mom-?

Eri: I want to.

Shinso: I'm sure he has noticed but yeah-

Eri: *takes Shoto's hand and walks off to find Mic*

Mic: *doing work*

Eri: Mom!!

Mic: 'why am I mom? What did I do to be the female parent? :|' yes?

Eri: we've noticed that Dadzawa has been quieter then usual and we are worried. Yes this does include Shinso.

Mic: I've noticed it too. I'm glad I'm not the only one. I'm not sure why. I try to talk to him about it and he either falls asleep or just stays quiet.

Shoto: weird-

Mic: yeah.

Eri: hmmm. While you two work out something imma do something else. *walks off, finds a cat and picks it up* there. *walks off to Aizawa's and Mic's room and walks in* Dad?

Aizawa: mhm?

Eri: I brought you a cat! *walks over and lifts the cat up*

Cat: Meow.

Aizawa: *smiles* thank you. *takes the cat from her*

Eri: :3


Mic: *walks into the bedroom* Baby you awake-?

Aizawa: no.

Mic: okay. *walks over and sits next to him* can my asleep boyfriend be asleep in my arms-?

Aizawa: sure. *moves and hugs Mic*

Mic: *hugs him back*


Aoyama: mInA I hAvE a ProBlEm!

Mina: what is it?

Aoyama: I'm in love-

Mina: oooooh! Nice. With who-

Aoyama: I'm not saying.

Tokoyami: *walks past with Shoto* Hey Aoyama.

Aoyama: Hi. *watches them walk off*

Mina: its Tokoyami isn't it-

Aoyama: what- no-

Mina: it isssss.

Aoyama: fine it is-

Mina: so why you telling me?

Aoyama: idk- I trust you-

Mina: okay. Why don't you just tell him?

Aoyama: I cant do that! I'd back out!

Mina: I'll tell him for you-

Aoyama: no.

Mina: well if it makes you feel better one day we when you fell asleep he stopped what he was doing to cover your ears when the whole class was being loud.

Aoyama: he did?

Mina: yep! That's one of the many things-

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