Truth or Lie

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Steve was really worried now, because he was sure Nathasa didn't remember them. "Natalia?"
"Sorry I understood your name wrong. Don't worry about Clint, he can look scary, but he is a good man. He speaks russian because a friend of his learned him. I'm sure he didn't mean to scare you. Maybe he thought you speak only russian.I got a message from the others that the dinner is ready. I think you don't need the IV " lied Steve, most of the part he talked. He didn't wanted to scare her. If Steve told her that she lost her memory,  that would scare her, and the fact that she works with a 100 years old guy, a god and a green monster..... would make more panick to rise for Nat . So Steve decided to make a "dinner" excuse to go downstairs and talk with the team about this situation. He was unsure if he did the right thing lying Nathasa.
"Could you bring the food here?" asked Nat.
"Of course. Do you want me to tell Clint about you or to call him to talk?"
The Widow was surprised. No one asked her about her opinion since she can remember. She decided that Steve is a honest person and she did the right decision trusting him. Maybe Clint is a good guy too.
" Can i think more about the idea? I don't want to tell him nothing yet."
"Of course. If you want to tell him, you will, if not, no" lied Steve. He felt so guilty that he was lying to her, but it was his only solution.

Downstairs,  the team was working on finding the people who hurt Nathasa. Papers were everywhere. Tony was working with his technology,searching on a hologram Earth,Clint was looking  through SHIELD folders and Bruce at some papers. They stopped and looked at him.
"How's Nat?" asked Clint.
"She's... good.... and not so good." Steve didn't know how to say it.
"Is she ok?" asked more worried Clint.
"Yes and no. Now she's playing with Star, so we can go to take some shawarma, and talk outside. I will explain everything."
The team was worried about Nathasa after Steve's words. If she started moving, what would be wrong with her. The Avengers started to make scenarios in their heads. What if Nat couldn't speak? What if she lost her hearing? Maybe she can't see? A lot of questions without answers.
At the shawarma place, Steve told them that Nathasa doesn't remember them and he didn't thought she remembered SHIELD. He also told them the fact that she thinks her name is Natalie and Clint is dangerous.
"And you  thought it was better to lie to her!" said Clint angrily. Even he didn't knew if he was angry at Cap for lying or just at the fact that Nathasa didn't remember him.
"And what i supposed to say. Natalia, actually your name is Nathasa and you forgot all your life. You are a member of a team named Avenger. You work with a flying armor, a good, a Hulk, Clint who scared you and me, a 100 years old guy. Remember the russian people? Well... you are russian! If Clint scared you because he spoke russian, well... "responded Steve.
" He made a good point, Clint"said Bruce.
"So, now what? We will tell her the truth, or... " asked Tony.
"I don't know... Maybe that's her chance to have a peaceful life..... without the horrors that she lived in the Red Room, without the memories of all the peoples she killed...." responded Steve.
"We can't lie to her. If i learned something is the fact that always truth will be found. What if she remembers just a part of her memory and then she  runs away because she doesn't trust us anymore?"pointed out Clint.
" I really don't know. Maybe we should ask Fury? Is his top agent after all. "said Steve.
" And we are her family "said Clint.
" I am not sure. Maybe SHIELD  has a therapist, an expert. What do you think? "asked Steve, unsure more than ever.
" Well, Nathasa wasn't the << accept help>>type  before the mission, and i don't think she is now." Tony said.
" And now  I don't think she would trust a therapist "added Bruce.
" So,we do what we think is best?"Steve asked.
" Yes.... you are right about the fact that Nathasa would be scared about the truth, but i don't think lying her is a option. What if we tell her parts, you know baby steps... "said Clint.
" Ok, now i must buy some
shawarma for Nat, because i  told her i would bring her food."said Steve.
The Avengers looked confused.Steve tried not to blush and explain the situation.
"It's not what you think! Because Nathasa is now moving, she doesn't need the IV anymore. So i told her i would bring some food in her room because she doesn't trust you so much right now to sit at the same table. I invented a<< dinner excuse>> to talk with you. I couldn't discuss in the Tower in case Nathasa heard us, so i  decided to come here. "
" We didn't questioned your decision, Romeo. "Tony said.
" I don't love Nathasa! "
" Come on, go to your Juliet, she's waiting her food. "continued Tony to say.

When they arrived at the Tower, Peppers started to shout at the team, mostly at Stark" Where were you all? Tony it was your turn to cook the dinner! I don't want to hear any–"
Tony interrupted her and handed her a bag " I bought you shawarma. "
" Apologies accepted! "said Pepper going to the kitchen.
Steve  went to Nathasa's room. He felt bad that  she had to wait 2 hours for him to come. It was already 9:30 pm. He knocked at the door." Natalia? Can i come in?"There was no answer. He started to panic. What if she searched for him and left to find him? What if she felt betrayed and ran away? What if she started to don't feel well and she's lying unconscious on the floor?. He entered, and to his relief he saw a 
sleeping Nathasa in the armchair he used to read her books.Star was sleeping in her lap.He felt really bad that he wasn't  there for her to read her a book and she waited for him. He woke up Star and made her a sign to move. Carefully not to wake her up,Steve took her in his arms and moved her to bed. Then he tucked her in. Star went by her side immediately.
On the  T. V., which was on, was a black and white movie about spies. Steve turned it off and closed the door.

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