V: Feelings

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"I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness because it shows me the stars."

Aurora's P.O.V

With every step I made closer to Marina, my thirst began to quench uncontrollably. The delightful smell of blood had me dazed. She was literally a few steps away, I can easily prey without having to worry of someone stopping me. I'm too fast for that. I watched as a small strip of blood trailed down her hand, her eyes locking with mine.

"Aurora. Can you help me with this is in the bathroom?" Marina asked, looking as she was about to faint.

I didn't answer. My senses blocking me out from responding since I was to intrigued by her smell.

"Ryder, Axel, please take Marina to the nurse." Zayn order, receiving a nod from the boys as they escorted Marina.

"No problem..Chief." Ryder winked.

My eyes followed her, moving crazily, as I began to hold my breathe. Calm down Aurora. You can do this. Marina is an innocent human. Don't be souless. I forced myself to turn away from her hand, making my eyes shift down to the floor, as I focused on steadying myself.


My eyes locked with Zayn's, his hazel honey eyes staring deeply in mine in confusion. Ofcourse he was confused. Who the hell acts like I did. Nobody.

"What's wrong? Everything ok?" He asked.

"Yup. Everything's fine." I lied, as I shot him a weak smile.

"You sure? You acted a bit strange."

"I don't like blood. That's all." I answered.

I watched as Zayn ran a hand through his hair, unsure of what to say next.

"So..umm. How do you like school so far?" Zayn asked.

"You know, you don't have to make conversation with me." I stated as I sat back down on the bench.

"But I want to make conversation with you, Rora." He smiled.

"Don't call me that." I said sternly.

"Why not?"

"Because I don't like it."

"That's it?"

"Isn't that enough?" I maddogged.

"Not really, I mean a simple 'I don't like it' is no valid excuse for me to not call you Rora."He smirked.

I sware I hit a nerve when he said that. Who does this human think he is.

"Does it look like I care? No. So don't call me Rora."

"You know, I feel like I know you." Zayn said.

"Joy." I said sarcastically.

"I've seen you somewhere."

His statement grabbed my attention as I cocked an eyebrow at him.

"Where?" I questioned.

"In a dream."

"Ok. Listen up Zade!"

"It's Zayn." He corrected.

"Whatever. I really don't want to hear about some cheesy lines you throw trying to connect my name with the whole Sleeping Beauty thing."

"I wasn't."

"Riiiiigggggghhhhhhtttttt." I dragged out sarcastically.

"I'm dead serious. I really have seen you in my dreams before. But nevermind, it's stupid anyway." Zayn huffed, as his gaze trailed away from mine.

Don't Be Gone Too Long (Zayn Malik & Ariana Grande Fanfiction//Zariana)Where stories live. Discover now