Nat's guide to violent carrots

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I had one or two comments asking how Natasha couls use carrots violently. Now.

Step one: Remove children from vicinity.

Step two: Lock child in a crate because he womt stop sticking to the ceiling to see what's happening.

Step three: Nice family dinner :)

Step three again: Remove child from crate to feed. Very important step.

Step four: Annoy Natasha.

Step five: Stop reading and run.

Step six: Take a breather while Natasha places the child back in he crate and supplies herself with the nutritious foods.

Step seven: Please for mercy and she shoves the carrots so deep into your *** **** that you would need it surgically removed.

Side note: if she smiles it means you have screamed when you felt the carrot ******* your ******.

Step eight: Find Bruce.

Step nine: become comfortable with your life as the first person to have five limbs amputated.

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