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It's been way too long since I updated. Anyways hi. I've been working on the request thingy I asked and they are taking a very long time and my motivation levels are at an all time low. Good times. I'm doing a crap ton of exams at school. Anyways.
This is on a new level of I have no ideas so give it sarcasm and hope for the best I have 3 hours of homework that I've been staring at for roughly 2 hours, and I cant find where I put my glasses and I'm basically blind. So. Enjoy.

Peter is 18.
Tis a winterspider chapter.
Bucky has a daughter. Dont ask. Please.

It's not exactly what you'd hope for in a school trip but here they were.

The academic decathlon team of midtown high were spending a day at the Avengers compound. At first it sounded like a great idea, bring a bunch of nerds to a super hero sanctuary.

Then you have to remember the fact that there is only three labs and all of them are private, the Avengers were six levels higher than their jurisdiction and Peter parker was fucking dying at the back of the bus. Metaphorically obviously. Well, actaully you never know with him.

When they arrived at the compound they were greeted by an intern most like by the name of Amy or something beginning with J but you never trust the J named boys. Remember.

Peter doesnt like that though. His fiance James is delightful. Most of the time. The twenty two year old had some serious issues, and that was coming from Peter whose therapist quit after two sessions with him. Who needs therapy anyways?

They made their way through the compound and through the Avengers museum. Ned was fangirling over the red wing model that was flying over their heads slowly. Little did they see the tiny camera reciding all of them and sending feed back to the avengers upstairs.

(Murder me I have no clue what I'm doing)

Bucky and his five year old daughter Aria, were just trying to play jenga on the main floor of the common area when bang! The bricks all fall over when Steve's shield hits the ground.

"We were playing Jenga you ass hole!"

"First off Aria, watch your language, second off, yeah Steve you asshole!" Bucky followed her up.

Steve sighed and apologized.

"Peter's class is here"

"Dads here?"

"Yep. He's on a school tour" bucky pat her head slowly.

You could see the gears turning in her head. Her eyebrows were scrunched up in concentration as she thought to herself.

"Aunty Nat told me that if Dad is ever on a tour with his class then me and daddy can surprise him. Aunty nat said embarrass but that word takes too long to say"

Bucky beamed at her and propped her on his back where she wrapped her arms around his neck to go downstairs.

"Kick him to make him go faster Sweetie!" Nat called after the duo and was satisfied when she heard a soft grunt and a giggle.

(Back to Peter. I'm not editing this. Good luck my readers)

His first warning should have been he constant tingling of his spidye sense when they were in the Avengers museum. The second warning should have been the soft giggles he heard from upstairs. He knew it was Aria and his kid was pure evil. Well no, she was the sweetest daughter any one could ask for. Not that Aria is technically his daughter, but she is in so many other ways. He was even given the title of dad. First time she said it he broke down in pitiful fits of sobs in an important meeting Aria barged in on. And he wouldnt have had it any other way. Pepper almost murdered him right there and then. It was only a huge deal with Amazon, Facebook and Twitter.

He heard the tell tale pitter patter of tiny feet running down the hall, though it was almost drowned out by the very loud pitter patter of Buckys shoes as he cursed and ran after her.

"Oh no"

The decathlon team just stopped what they were doing to look. Every month or so you'd hear a quite "oh no" from the quite boy and ten minutes later Black widow would strut into the cafeteria wearing a night gown and a face mask giving Peter his lunch. It's expect the unexpected with him.

"DAAAAAAD. DADDY'S TRYING TO MURDER ME" the little girl screamed and jumped into the eighteen year olds arms who just smiled.

"Hiya princess. Why is daddy trying to kill you?"

As normal five year olds do, she took seven throwing knives out of her pocket.

"Well, you see, Daddy was giving me a piggy back ride and I found these and I thought 'wow these are pretty. I could hit someone with this' so I took them from his hood because thats where they were and now here I am being protected by you. But I'm going to say hi to MJ now because they understand basic human sarcasm"

The team were just astonished by the toddler's words as she jumped from their class mates arms and walked over to MJ.

"ARIA- oh hey Hon, hi class, hi... I'm guessing Amy because I'm pretty sure Stark only hires Amy's and Linda's nowadays. Have you seen my knives?" He smiled malicious.

"Yeah Aria has them-"

Peter looked down in his arms to see a bunch of Buckys favourite knives.


"You're sleeping on the couch"

"Wouldnt have it any other way."

And that's the day the decathlon team decided to not question anything but their sexualities and the Author decided to fuck the educational system because she's tired.


Peter Parker and the Avengers oneshot (On A Little Break) Where stories live. Discover now