Chapter 1

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Stepping out into the parking lot after finishing my shift for the night, I was hoping that Charlotte and her latest boyfriend would be fast asleep. I hadn't met her latest boyfriend yet so I had no idea what to expect from him, but I highly doubted that he was the perfect man that every woman wanted and needed. Most likely he was a drunk or a drug addict, who couldn't hold a job, or did something else horrible that I seriously hoped that I would never have to deal with again.

I could say life with Charlotte was never dull, but I would seriously take a boring life over the one I have now. That boring life wasn't too far away though. Once I turned eighteen, I would be getting as far away as I could from Charlotte. It's one of the reasons why I always got a job no matter how many times we moved, which was about every two weeks, depending on how much Charlotte had screwed up. Because she was always bound up to screw up something.

Well, it was more like how many people Charlotte had screwed over while living in the current town she had chose to live in. She not only had an obsession with bringing home a different man every night, even if she already had a boyfriend, but she also loved messing with people's lives like it was her professional job. Charlotte had once told me, when I had asked her why she enjoyed messing with people's lives, that she thought it was fun.

It usually didn't take Charlotte too long to screw someone over. I think the longest we've ever stayed in one city was for six months, not including the city I was born in since we were there for three years before Charlotte decided to take me away from the family I don't even remember. The city that we lived in for six months was the only city I actually had any friends in.

Every other city I didn't bother to make friends because I knew that we would be moving not too long after we arrived. I stopped making friends because in the end I knew that I would have to say goodbye to them. And you can't really get a real friendship in two weeks or less. So, I stopped even trying to make an effort to be friends with someone.

Sure, I talked to people, but that was it. I didn't make the effort to show them that I wanted to be friends with them and talk to them more because soon after that I would be gone and I would never see those people again because Charlotte never liked moving back to the same place twice.

But no matter how long we were living in a city, I got a job so I could save up money to move far away from Charlotte the second I was allowed to. Before I was actually allowed to get a job, I baby sat various kids, which was kind of hard to do since not every parent was willing to let a complete stranger watch over their child, but I still got babysitting jobs every once in awhile, which helped me save of a little bit of money over the years.

I didn't have enough to buy my own place once I turned eighteen, but I definitely had enough to get me to California, also known as the only state Charlotte won't move to.

The reason being why Charlotte won't move there is because there's family there that I could hopefully stay with when I turned eighteen. It felt like I had never met the family that Charlotte had made me leave behind even though I had been around them for the first three years of my life. But since I had been so young, I couldn't remember any of the time I spent in California, which I meant I had no memories of what my family was like or even what they looked liked. There was no way I could understand why Charlotte took a three year old with her when all she wanted to do was live on the wild side and have no responsibility.

For some reason Charlotte just had to take me with her. She denied it every time I brought up the subject because that's the only way the subject of my father could come up, but I had a feeling that it had to do with him. I had never met my father and had no idea who he was, but that was a whole other story for another time. And it was currently an incomplete story that I hoped to fix one day when I was no longer bound to Charlotte.

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