112 | Sin and the Gospel

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I stared at my best friend.

My best friend who's persecuted me ever since I came to know the Lord. My best friend who said he wanted the old, sinful me back. My best friend who hated Jesus.

But also, he's now the best friend who just professed that he became a Christian during our last lecture.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Calum asked, his lip curled into a side-smile.

"Who are you and what did you do to Calum Freeman?" I asked.

He laughed and tackled me into a hug. "I am Calum Freeman, dude! A free man!"

I stared in pure bewilderment at Trey beside me. He gave me a confused shrug as well.

"Don't you recognize me?" Calum asked, finally pulling away his bear-hug.

I arranged my hair and straightened my shirt. "Yeah, of course. But... you're a Christian now."

He smiled proudly. "Sure am. I accepted Jesus into my heart last night."

Trey turned to me, looking shocked and confused at the same time. I shared the same emotion.

"That's... great then," I finally choked out, laughing nervously.

Calum started, "Look, I know it's kinda hard to believe--"

"Yeah, it sure is." I said.

"--but you yourself said the Lord can save anyone. And I'm now saved."

"That is also true." I said.

He spread his arms as if he expected another hug and grinned. "So? Aren't you going to welcome me now into your arms, brother in Christ?"

I smiled, admittedly still confused, but hugged him right then and there.

"Welcome to the family, brother," Trey smiled and hugged the guy too.

Calum looked around the garage sale and his eyes lit up. "Religious Girl is here too?"

"Meredith?" I said, kind of irritated that he used that kind of nickname on her.

"Yeah, her." Calum chuckled. "That's so cool."

"Yeah," I said dryly.

"So, tell us, what's your story?" Trey asked. He sounded really excited.

"Story?" Now it was Calum who looked confused.

"You know, your testimony from darkness to Light!" Trey answered gleefully.

"Oh, that. I mean, I feel so much better now that I know Jesus is in my heart and I'm going to heaven when I die." He said.

Trey hesitated for a moment. Then he gave him a sheepish smile. "Okay. That's great, then."

"Yeah!" Calum said. "Could I join you guys here? You know, help out with the garage sale, and also get to know you guys better? And your ministry?"

"Sure, why not." I said. All the while shooting Trey an uncertain look.


"I think Calum will only become a Christian when pigs can fly and crows turn white," I said.

Trey rolled his head back laughing. Meredith smiled and shook her head.

"Nobody's too hard for the cross of Christ," she commented.

"I guess Calum's an exception then," I said, snickering. Trey laughed hard again.

"But in all seriousness, where is he now anyway? He said he'll be here. I told him we were going to start teaching him how to share his faith with people, and even how to strengthen his relationship with God." Meredith said, looking at the analog clock right above our heads.

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