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You roll in bed, restless. The darkness was not comforting, and neither was the light. All you wanted was to sleep, but you just couldn't. Your mind was so busy with thoughts that you couldn't even set any of them apart. It was like your head was just always aware of the present just as much as the past.

You rub your eyes before lighting one of the candles on a nightstand. The gleaming light blinds you as you turn the knob to change the brightness. You curse as you cover your sight with your arm before slowly bringing your arm down.

Sighing, you look around the room for something to do. You hated the room. It was big and empty. You had none of the belongings that really mattered to you. Strangely enough, after the first night at the manor, some of your items from the cottage appeared in the bedroom. Only clothes and the things you needed for school, though. Nothing that would bring you any comfort.

You made it a mental note that the first thing you'd do as soon as everything was over, you'd go back to your real home. Walk the halls, jump onto your bed, look at every single painting or portrait. You wonder what the commotions are at the mansion. What happened to the house-elves? Are they still there?

You flop down on your back at the curse of adding late-night thoughts to your already filled mind. Staring up at the high ceiling made you feel even more alone.

You could always go to Theo's room. It was only a right turn away. But he could be sleeping, and you didn't want to wake him for stupid reasons. What would you say? I just couldn't sleep? I felt alone? I just want somebody to comfort me and listen to my complaints? Theo had problems of his own. You couldn't burden him with yours as well.

You take another exasperating sigh before slipping on slippers and a hoodie. The sudden thought of doing what you did as a child at the Malfoy Manor came to mind. You search around for your wand, which only takes a minute, before tiptoeing down the halls.

It was a haunting feeling that, before when you were younger, you ran these halls playing tag or hide and go seek. Now you were a prisoner in the walls of your own youth.

You didn't have to think about where to go. Your body already had its sense of direction. It already knew where you were headed. You just had to let go of the controlling feeling you were currently obsessed with. You didn't get to control anything, not now, so just the thought of it put energy in your veins. Good or bad? You weren't sure.

You push open the door of the kitchen, finding a couple of house-elves scurrying around but quickly leaving the space as soon as you step a foot in. You search the pantry for anything that your body would allow down. You settle on cinnamon toast and begin putting your toast together.

As you butter your bread you remember how when you were younger you'd come down with the original group, and make everybody cinnamon toast. It was you and Pansy's job since the boys complained it was the girl's job to cook. However, it wasn't long until everybody started making their own snacks because for every complaint heard; Pansy would kick their shins.

It took lots of explaining to do as bruises and scars began to pile up. Pansy never kicked the boy's shins in the kitchen. But every now and then, Blaise, Adrian, and Draco would all sit at the island begging for you and Pansy to make them toast because you were the only two who were able to get it right. Eventually, cinnamon toast turned into a long line of bribes and threats.

You can't remember the last time you ate cinnamon toast.

While you eat your bread, you smile at fond memories that had been buried deep to avoid any feeling. The longer you smile, the guiltier you feel. Your parents just died, and yet you were...happy?

The Slytherin Common Room - D.M. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now