Chapter Six

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Rebecca sits on her bed with a sigh. She had so much homework to do. Laurel walked into the dorm, spotting Becci with a pile of homework in front of her. She chuckles at her best friend. "A bit busy are we?" The brown haired woman asks with a smile.

Rebecca nods "Extremely."Rebecca replies with a groan.

"Well I have a proposition." Laurel says. "Our Spring break is coming up soon and I have a friend in Starling City I'm going to visit, you wanna come with?" She asks.

Rebecca's jaw drops. "Your inviting me to go to Starling City? I mean I would have to wrangle up the money, but I would love to go." Rebecca closes her books looking up at Laurel with an eyebrow cocked and a smirk.

"Ooh wait! What friend?" She asks curiously.

"An old friend. Oliver Queen." Laurel replies.
Rebecca thought Oliver was a snob and needed to grow up.

"Really? Oliver Queen? Billionaire?" She asks taking a double take.

She nods with a small smile.

"Well um alright." Rebecca replied.

*a few weeks later*

Rebecca finishes packing her bag right before Laurel and herself were about to leave for the airport. Laurel grabs her own bag and walks out the door next to Rebecca. They take a cab to the local airport.

"I need a ticket to Starling." Rebecca said to the lady handing her the money.
They get through security and everything then wait to board the plane.

About a half an hour later they board the plane. Rebecca scoots into the seat next to Laurel with a smile. "This is gonna be so much fun!" Laurel squeals.

Rebecca nods in response with a grin. A few hours later the two arrive in Starling City. It was dark but Laurel insisted they go to Oliver's house. Well house was an understatement, it was a mansion. They took a cab and arrived a bit later. "This place is huge Lance." Rebecca gasps, looking around in awe.

She chuckles and grabs Rebecca's hand and drags her inside.

"Ollie!" She shouts into the house. Rebecca stumbles in behind her, obviously abashed.

Oliver peaks his head out of a door at the top of the stairs, Rebecca presumes it was his room.
"Laurel!" He smiles walking down the stairs, taking them two at a time.

Rebecca hated to admit it, but damn was he fine.

He hugs Laurel but turns his attention towards Rebecca. "Who is your lady friend?" He asks Laurel.

"I'm Rebecca." Rebecca says, holding out her hand. Oliver shakes her hand firmly with a warm smile. "Nice to meet you. I'm Oliver." He introduces himself.

This was going to be an interesting week, Rebecca thought to herself.

Secret Origin of Rebecca Allen [ under editing ]Where stories live. Discover now