Chapter Twenty-One

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Felicity gulped, not really wanting to tell the lab of her findings. "What is it Fel?" Rebecca asked sharply, not having much patience at the moment. "Well, I think I may have found Oliver....." The blonde pulled up a video onto the computer screen. The video showed Oliver being over powered by..... Malcolm.

"Oh my god." Rebecca breathed out, rubbing her forehead. "Do you know that guy Ms. Allen?" Harrison Wells asked, wheeling over on his electric wheelchair. With hesitation, she nodded, "Yea I do. That's my boss, the psycho murderer, Malcolm Merlyn." The woman stated. "Ah, yes. I have heard of Mr. Merlyn, he has quite the amount of money and a company." Wells replied, a look of pure concentration on his face. "But what would he want with Mr. Queen?" He asked

Well for one, he is the arrow and Merlyn is an asshole, Rebecca thought to herself before answering. "For one, he has always seen Queens Consolidated as a-" Harrison cut through "The full truth Ms. Allen, if you may." He sounded way to respectful. "Okay fine." She said grudgingly. "Oliver and Malcolm have a bit of a past. Malcolm is poisoning the city and Oliver wants to and needs to stop him." Rebecca stated.

"I've been doing some digging on the Merlyn-Queen history and your not going to like it." Felicity squeaked, making Rebecca stop talking and to whirl around and face her. "Yes?" She asked expectantly. "Moira and Malcolm.... Had an affair and she got pregnant, with Thea.... They paid a lot to keep it covered up, none of the Queen children know." Felicity said.

"We will worry about that later, at the moment finding Oliver is our top priority right now." The Allen sister said simply. "Can you see if you can track the car?" She asked and but Cisco had already started, "Got it!" He said in triumph. "The car is at the old abandoned sugar factory, at the edge of the city." He added. Rebecca nodded, "I'm going to go save him." The woman said boldly, a fire in her eyes.

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