Chapter Seventeen

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Back in Starling, after taking a leave of absence to go be with her coma stricken brother who recently woke up. Rebecca pounded in the code to the foundry and walked down the stairs two at a time. Oliver heard footsteps and whirled around, pointing an arrow at her. The young woman threw her hands up, "Woah. Hey. It's just me." She said softly. But the archer still didn't move, he had a crazed look in his eyes. It was the eyes that told the story, he had no control of his body. He was being manipulated, probably because of Merlyn. Rebecca started to get nervous and didn't move a muscle. Without a word of acknowledgement, he lunged at her full force knocking her to the ground. Rebecca thrashed and threw punches at him, but he was way too strong. He held her in a choke hold until her lungs burned and eyes rolled back into her head. He restrained her with ropes and went to grab his bow and nocked an arrow. Was he going to shoot her again? Intentionally? He pulled back the string to the green bow and released it, sending an arrow in her direction and lodges itself in her stomach just as Felicity dances her way down the stairs happily, until she sees the situation. The blonde gasped and hurried and inserted sedative into him from behind with a nervous and shaky breathe. The large man toppled over onto the ground. Felicity ran over and dropped down by Rebecca's body. The black hair woman gasped in pain and trying to get air into her body. "Shh shh." Felicity cooed and skimmed around for Rebecca's phone and gripped it tightly and scrolled through the contacts, on the top of the ICE {In Case of Emergencies} was Barry Allen. Without hesitation, she clicked the call button. "Hello?" Barry's soft voice said into the phone, but it came out more like static. "I-it's your sister..... She needs help, she told me about your scientist friends and they could be extremely helpful right now." Felicity babbled into the phone nervously. Barry took a deep shaky breathe, "can you take her here?" He still wasn't able to control his abilities as much as he would like so he wasn't about to possibly endanger his sister more by running with her. "Yeah. Yeah. Of course." Felicity hung up and Oliver awoke, the crazed look out of his eyes and rubbed his head then saw Rebecca. "What the hell happened?" Ollie asked confused and Felicity's eyes went wide, "you did this to her and she needs help." Oliver shook his head. "No I didn't." He argued but picked her up and grabbed his motorcycle helmet. "Take your car. I'll meet you there. Send me directions." He was determined, a man with a plan. Felicity nodded and Oliver carried the Allen upstairs and mounted his motorcycle, holding the young woman tightly and turned on his motorcycle, the engine revving and started to zoom off towards Central City. "Your going to be okay." He whispered to her, but it was merely to try and assure himself. After what seemed like an eternity, Oliver was in Central City and at the coordinates that Felicity had sent him. It was Star Labs, when he got closer he saw Barry and four other people. One he recognized as Harrison Well's. Oliver ran over, Rebecca's body in his arms. It was dangling over slightly and the limbs were bouncing as if she had no control, which she didn't. The billionaire was now covered in her blood and had a worried look on his face. "What happened?!" Barry shouted when he saw his sister in Oliver's arms and he looked like he was about to cry.

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