Chapter Two

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When Rebecca finally got settled in, at the new house, she was close to passing out in exhaustion. Joe showed the pair to a guest bedroom. The little girl crawled up into the big bed wooden next to Barry, tears still covering her face. Barry hugs her, trying to comfort her despite him being devastated and shaken up from the situation also. Rebecca soon falls asleep on top of the eleven year old boy, using him as a pillow. Barry turns off the lamp that was illuminating the room at the time and falls asleep a bit after her.

*next morning*

An alarm clock sounded faintly in the next room, startling Rebecca causing her to wake up with a jump. She relaxes once she realizes it was just an alarm clock. The girl drowsily turns to see the time, 7:30 am. Oh no! School! Surely the didn't expect her to go to school after last nights events, and luckily Joe didn't make them. Rebecca walks down the stairs quietly because Barry was still sleeping.

Joe was sitting on the couch drinking coffee when she walked in. "Morning sweetheart." He said in a soft voice with a small smile.

Rebecca wipes the sleepiness from her eyes. "Good morning sir." She replied respectfully. Manners were stressed in the Allen household,  the siblings knowing at least common curtesy before they even entered the first grade.

"Where's my dad?" She asks innocently, not knowing what to ask and not what to ask. Sure she had saw him get taken to the police station, but she thought that they would have released him.

Joe sighs. "Honey." He says swooping her up into his lap. "Your dad is okay, he is somewhere where he can't get hurt or hurt anyone else." He replies.

Sadness filled Rebecca's eyes but she nodded in understanding. Barry walks down the stairs and looks over at Rebecca.

"Becci." He said quietly. "Leave Mr.West alone for now, I'm sure he has some work to do......" He says, Barry was wise beyond his years and always knew what to say to soothe Rebecca or what to say to protect her from the brutal truth of their fathers situation.

Joe smiles warmly at Barry. "There is some food on the table." He says pointing towards the dining room.

Rebecca walks with Barry to the kitchen where the enjoyed a meal of pancakes and sausage. Though the wound of their mothers death was still gaping and fresh, a warm meal somehow comforted the girl.

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