Chapter Twenty-Three

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Rebecca grunted in concentration and threw her slim leg towards Merlyn's stomach, but getting blocked by his black bow. He kicked her in the stomach, sending her flying back with a groan. She slowly steadied herself and came bounding at him, knocking him off of his feet by her staff hitting his ankles.

Rebecca stood over him, a smirk on her face. "And the student becomes the teacher." She said satisfied. "Listen, I'm not going to kill you. But you have to let Oliver go. Now." Her voice was hard and stern. Merlyn pulled himself up, with a smug look on his face. "Alright, I'll give you Mr. Queen but on my terms." He said. Rebecca's jaw locked and she glared at him. "That wasn't the deal." She said her voice laced with poison. "I didn't agree to anything. In case you're failing to remember, you attacked me before I could reply." He said like a true business man would.

"What the hell do you want?!" She shouted angrily. "I want you to take his place. I need someone fulfill a task and I merely thought of Oliver." He said calmly. The woman was disgusted, "You think that he is going to say yes after you've captured him and tortured him!" She exclaimed. "why do you think I am letting him go and having you replace him?" He countered.

"Fine. I'll do it but your damn sure I wont be held prisoner here in the mean time." She said grudgingly. Malcolm nodded, pleased. Malcolm let Oliver out of his chains and Rebecca woke him up with a slap to the face. Oliver groaned and picked himself up to his feet. "Thank you, but I had that under control." He said, never wanting to admit his 'Failures.' Rebecca nodded and smirked. "Sure you did tiger." She replied and together they walked out. Before she left, she glanced at Merlyn and nodded slightly.

"What did you have to do?" Oliver cut straight to the chase. "Nothing." She said distantly as they both hopped onto the motorcycle after arguing about who would wear the helmet. Oliver had won and Rebecca slid on the glossy black helmet. "Don't lie to me." Oliver said sternly. "Fine. Okay. I have to do something for Merlyn, but it's fine. Honestly." She tried to convince him. "You bargained with Malcolm?!" He shouted through the whipping wind. "Oliver, it was the only way." She said quietly, hoping he couldn't hear.

After about ten minutes the couple arrived at Star Labs. They walked into the cortex and everyone whirled around with wide eyes. "You did it." Barry said in a bit of shock. "Hey man." He said and shook Oliver's shoulder and the archer smiled a bit. "Hello Barry." He said.

"Are you hurt?" Felicity asked immediately and started examining the two. "Rebecca, you look like you have a broken rib." She stated and dragged her over to the medical station with Caitlin. "Smoak, I'm fine. I promise." Rebecca said with a groan. "No your not." The blonde protested and started wrapping her stomach in a stiff bandage. "Your not supposed to be out and about like this, Becca." Barry said, looking at her in concern.

"Would everyone stop friggin' worry about me?!" Rebecca snapped. "I'm fine, okay. God damn it." She stood up and pain shot through her body. Stifling a groan and she walked off towards the room where Barry goes to think, the room with the big treadmill.

She heard the heavy door opened and turned around to see Barry. He sat down next to her and pulled her into a side hug. She laid her head on his shoulder, "I love you. I don't tell you enough." She said totally randomly and smiled. "Love you too, Becci Bear." He grinned. Rebecca slapped his arm in awe. "You called me Becci Bear. You have called me that in years!" She laughed so much her ribs started to hurt, she grabbed at them and tried to stop laughing. "Ow." She mumbled with a smile. "Hey, take it easy." He said and rubbed her back. "Should I call you Bar Bar." She smiled deviously. He blushed, "none of this leaves this room. Got it?" He asked. Rebecca nodded and grinned. "Deal."

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