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About birdy:
"Beatrid"Meaning:bright, famous. Birdy as a girl's name has German origins. The meaning of Birdy is "bright, famous"

Birdy was only 14 when she got put in the maze that's why she was so scared as she hadn't hit her adult hood yet, birdy grew up in a martial art based family and that's why she was the only one who could beet Gally in a fight, though she was Scottish she grew up in Toronto from the age of 7 but was only there for a few years before being taken into wckds care.
She lived with her mother and father and older brother, her older brother got taken into wckds care too being 14 when birdy was 7, birdys brother was used and bet by wckd members when he would repel to there rules, he was a lab rat they would constantly test on him and his inner arms were purple and blue from blood being taken so many times.

When birdys brother repelled one time to far it got him thrown in the maze, birdys brother was called Alfred and he was a runner who stopped running and got killed by a griever.

Birdys family was well know and all very ruff, birdy was never psychically abused but for a seven year old she was mentally abused, at such a young age she had seen so many adults things and heard so many adult conversations that she became a different person, her parents would constantly say she was too young to have anything wrong with her and she would never know mental health problems she had the perfect childhood and life, but even at her age birdy knew different.

The maze and wckd changed her completely she went from a sad little girl to the happiest you'd ever seen all she wanted to do was flick a switch to get away and wckd was that switch.

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