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Thomas and newt had been out for a couple days Thomas waking up before newt, newt was currently on a drip with the cure in him so he would be himself again, but really only birdy knew he would be his proper self ever again and neither was she, gally and some other people were trying to built huts so people weren't all sleeping in hammocks still and outdoors as sleeping in the rain pregnant wasn't fun!

Gally had this dream of building a little hut in the woods away from everyone so the two could be alone as they both loved the privacy and space from others and people wouldn't want to be hearing a crying baby every minute round the clock when there trying to sleep, so that's what he did he began to build a little hut, a hut that would've there home for them and there little baby where they could be happy.

Newt had gave Tommy a letter incase he died and Thomas had opened it straight away not even giving himself some time to recover, birdy got one too but she knew that it was going to be bad just from the look of it she knew this letter would change her forever.

"You okay angel" gally said kissing her on the cheek noticing birdys pale face as she sat looking out to the ocean her toes and the water barley touching
"Mhm just going to read newts letter darling" her Scottish accent tingled a little more as she was scared, scared of what this letter would do to change her life and the effects.
"I'll give you and mini gally some space" he kissed her bump before walking off to go help frypan who was calling him over,

"Here goes nothing" Birdy spoke,

Dear beatrid,
Ye I know you hate that name but I wanted to say it just to make you laugh as I love seeing you laugh and smile, your smile was the one thing that could light up a room for anyone no matter who no matter where no matter when and that's what I love about you and always will I want you to know that even if I'm not here after this is all over I want you to know that I never stopped putting my faith in you about gally, yes sometimes I would doubt but all I saw when you talked about him was pure love and nothing else, yes gally might of killed Chuck but i love the fact that you still would love him if he even killed you as you can always see the bright side of peoples darkness and that really makes me happy knowing I could steal your cake and you would still love me like I did when frypan made it for chuck's birthdays just to make our little pal smile, we all will miss him but he's still here with us and always will be, I also want you to know that if I'm not here that I wasn't scared of dying not the hatred part of it or anything about that it was more about myself dying inside me and Turing Into one of them monsters and loosing myself to the virus but hopefully if I am away I'll be in the sky and I'll bring the stars with me just so you can properly star gaze like you could in the glade on the bonfire night and the stars would disappear every day after that until the next bonfire, but please birdy promise me one thing you will take care of yourself and little birdy and gally jr and don't let gally name it something stupid.

Lots of love newtie
.p.s. sorry if there's any spelling mistakes this is the first letter I think I've ever wrote or can remember writing.

She smiled no tears left her eyes as she knew newt wouldn't want her crying he would just want her to be happy they were both alive.

678 Word count
Another emotional roller coaster ✌️

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