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Birdy was walking down the wedding isle holding baby chuck in her hands as gally stood beside newt Minho and Thomas while on Birdys side only Brenda stood, birdy looked over and glimpsed a small fraction Teresa standing there her hair all pretty smiling at the gorgeous bird and baby walking down the isle, with only a few people there the others then including Jorge, vince frypan and a couple others nobody was really there and that made both birdy and gally happy, they both wanted a calm wedding with no fuss and no struggle, the only struggle was gally trying to keep himself together small tears trickling down his cheeks, who knew he could be such a hot mess and emotional person, newt knew newt knew that when gally was around birdy she was his world and he'd take a bullet for her and walk to the moon and back, she was the only person he would cry for and cry at during the same time.

As birdy came to a halt beside gally everyone was beginning to cry, who knew that after everything that had went on this was what they were crying over, there was no reverend or anything just two hopeless romantics wanting to spend there life together,
Gally began,
"Birdy you are the love of my life. And little chuck now too, I always knew we would grow old together one day have kids settle down have a house maybe even a dog or a pet bird, you see the day a got stung it all came back you came back our memories and I never thought I'd ever share them but I will, the day you first kissed me outside our highschool the day we built a treehouse and the day I got taken into the maze away from you the screams still lingering in my ear, but threw out all that I don't need them as I've got you my birdy, gallys little bird and his bundle of joy" he couldn't go on the small crowd was all in tears and gally was too but birdy just stood there shocked at how much gally told her so little no tears left her eyes she just smiled a real smile one probably nobody had ever seen,
She cleared her throat and looked at a piece of paper in her Fred hand before putting it in the ground and stomping on it,
"I think I've said this a million times but I love gal and that's all I need to say for me to know your the person I'm going to marry and be with for the rest of my life, love forever and argue forever like the old married couple we will now be like chuck senior once said" Birdy knew nothing would beat gallys speech so she just kissed him then both of them bent down and kissed baby chuck on the cheek before Jorge stood up and started clapping and a small gust of wind came flying by making my birdys hair flow and her dress too as gally watched her like she was a goddess sent from heaven.

The two love birds walked back up the the hill, Jorge the baby's godfather taking chuck for the night so the two could get some 'alone time'.

The sunset was hitting there backs leaving a warm tingle on gallys arm as he had it around birdys shoulder her leaning her head into gallys side,

"I have a surprise bird" gally said making birdys head pop up,
"I love how you calm me bird but did you know it means lije your girlfriend in Scotland" she laughed
"Yes you've said it a thousand times now comn"
They both were laughing until birdy stopped leaving gally smiling at birdys shock at what Gally had done,

"Darling it's beautiful" Birdy said as she walked up to a little wooden hut that had two rooms in it, a caveman like kitchen and a wee wooden couch made with goats fur cushions,
"It's not much and the toilets out-"
She cut him off by bringing him down to kiss her which he returned her smiling into it before pulling away,
"I love it almost s much as I love you lovely"

Gally smirked at her which birdy returned,
"So please say it's a bed and not a hammock"
His smirk became bigger and he picked birdy up in a bridal smiling, his smirk turning into a lustfall

820Word count
Lustfall- word I made up get over it queens
anyone how cute was gallys little speech anyone here's birdys dress but as always imagine her and the dress/outfit how you wish,
Also let's pretend it's a little musty and dusty as it's been in the little old clothing pile for a while
Anywho see you when your fucking gally ✌️ out!



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