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Gally plopped climbed up the lookout tower to sit with the girl dangling her legs off the tower,
"Hey gal" she smiled and he returned it.

The two sat for hours laughing,bickering, arguing, having fun until the sun was finally about to set,
Gally watched as the girls pupils went bigger and her eyes brightened at the different shade of the sun, it was purple tonight just like her eyes but maybe a little pinker.

"Cmon lovebirds time for bed" alby called
"We're not love birds" bird shouted back going to stand up but Gally grabbed her arm,
"Birdy I love you"
A tear fell down her eye making them even more vibrant with the mood swing couloirs swirling,

"I guess we are love birds gal" she sniffled and he nodded before kissing her lightly,
"I love you too"

SLAP HER ARSE Or something 🤦‍♂️,

Gallys birdWhere stories live. Discover now