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Gally folded up the letter small tears smudging the ink and shoved it in the glass bottle before he plopped the cork lid on it and threw it as far as he could letting it drift off,

"Goodbye chuck"
He called after it and gave it a wave before walking up to find birdy,

"Yes gal" she was a little grumpy..
"I love you so much" he said as he walked up cupped her face and kissed her hard.
"I love you too" she laughed
"I wrote to chuck" he gave her a smile which she returned five times bigger,
"Oh gally in so proud"
She hugged him tight making him wince a little.

"Vince and Thomas are looking for you by the way they want to discuss stuff" she rolled her eyes,
"Off to get baby chuck" she then said and gave him one last hug before walking off,

"Put the knives down birdy!"
"No he's just killed my chicken!"
"She wasn't yours now just put the knives shucking down!" Gally screamed matching her tone

"Fine, pit with no dessert for a week"
She put the knives down.
"I'm off to get my pudding!" She filed her arms and went to walk off before gally picked her up throwing her over his shoulder.

"No! I want pudding" she screamed
"Shut up will you!"
He threw her into the pit and she stood up and sat in the corner.
"Very disappointed in you bird" alby spoke
"I'm disappointed in you for not letting your little gladers know the rules about that chicken!"
He rolled his eyes and she went in the huff.

The sun had set on the glade and newt had brung birdy some dinner but no dessert so now she was pissed off at him.

Five weeks shes been here, it's went smooth, nothing really bad has happened and now everything happens like a bus.

"Rest in peace my only friend"
"I'm your friend" she heard a voice say
She walked to the door of the pit
She looked a little shocked,
"Oh and here" he handed her what looked like a little sponge cake covered in a weird sauce.
"Thank you" she sniffled a little
"I really did think you were going to kill Winston and his greenie" he chuckled
"Ye so did I" she laughed and began to eat the cake.

Birdy woke up, she was lying in the hospital tent.
"Woah" she said and she began to smile.
"Why the shuck are you smiling right now!"
"What happened?"
"You fainted and we found you lying on the beach"
"Oh right." She looked a little confused, was that a dream, no it was real it had to be or was she going insane.

"Are you okay?" Brenda asked
"Ye I'm fine where's gal"
"He just went to put chuck to bed you've been out for a couple hours"
She hummed a yes and sat there everyone looking at her like she was crazy.

"Birdy" she was knocked out her trance with a big hug from gally,
"He lovely" she smiled into the hug.
" are you hurt, are you in pain-"
"Did someone do this to you?"
"I swear to god I wil-"
"GALLY I'm fine!"
He gulped

Short chapter Ik ik I'm just so busy with school

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