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Flashing lights filled my eyes, there was a chicken clucking in the corner and the sound of screaming and screeching metal.

The lights making me dizzy and the constant clucking, screaming and screeching was getting to me.
I screamed, not a painful scream or a scared scream
Just a scream that hopping someone would hear and help find me.

The movement stopped and my body went up slightly off the cage, glints of light shown threw the and muffled voice climbed my ears.

The light got brighter and a gate above my head opened and someone jumped down into the box I was in, I was currently holding the chicken ready to use it as a weapon somehow,

"Right put the bird down!"a boy with a strange accent said, I really couldn't remember anything
"Who ar yo mate!" I said still holding the chicken, I was Scottish and my twang really popped and the boy put his eyebrow up,

"Do you remember anything at all?"
"I said who are you mate did you no hear meh!"
"Calm down come on stand up and put the bloody bird down!"
"How do I put myself down can I ask?"
He clocked an eyebrow again
"Can you remember your name?" He climbed out the cage and gave me a hand, I held the chicken in the other arm.

"Birdy" I said
"Ye that's a bird what's your name"
"It's a chicken mongo and birdy"
The boy chuckled
"Birdy is your name?"
"Ye you got a problem like"
"Not all, welcome to the glade Birdy I'm newt"
She smiled at him as the two walked,

"Your our" he looks around the place
"Sixth glader to come up welcome"
"What do you mean come up?"
He sighed and gave her a look,
"Every month a new greenie gets sent up with supplies and clothes and other things, we don't know why we're here, when we get out, where we are or anything else about our past lives." I hummed thinking he was going to carry on but he didn't,

"Over there is were we sleep" I looked at the jumbled up hammocks that were near trees and looked a little disgusted,
"Who's that?" I questioned looking over to the person who looked to be building a hut or something
"That's gally he was sent up three months ago he's been building that since the first night he came up, he said we need a roof over our heads"
She chuckled and he smiled at her,

The boy waved over and walked up to the duo,
"Gally" he held out his hand
"Birdy" she shook it
"I better get back to building, cya guys!"
She felt a faint tint of pink go over her cheeks as the two continued to walk,

"Our leader over there by the crops is alby he was the first one up so he is really our king"
"I'm the second in command" he patted his chest and I laughed at him making him roll his eyes,
"So yep here is the crops, alby is mending a branch see, over here is the kitchen and that's frypan, then that's the Medjacks area with the little cabinet and that's zart, then that's Winston he's a slasher and we get animals up sometimes and he takes care of that"
Birdys mined trailed to the chicken he had in a cage.

"MY CHICKEN" she screamed running as fast as she could,
"No don't kill her!"
The boy who had a knife in his hand dropped it on the floor just as birdy flew on top of him,

"If you ever go near my chicken again I will have the pleasure of slicing up you!"
Newt took the chicken out of the cage and gave Winston a look of newbie,

"Yes mam"
Birdy got up and took the chicken from newts arms and they continued to walk off.

666 Word count

Something different Ik but will all make sense don't worry..

Gallys birdWhere stories live. Discover now