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*is everyone okay?" Birdy shouted to the children in the van and the all shouted back.

"Fuck somethings wrong" Birdy said to herself
"What do you mean you okay?
"Newt I can feel it" she pressed the open door button grabbed a gun and sprinted Brenda following behind her, "go back to the kids!"
"The serum here!"
Brenda tossed her the serum and birdy just caught it
"I love you and if I'm not out of this tell gally I'm pregnant" Birdy said unzipping her shirt to show the small bump that was formed.
"Why is it so small your like 6 months in? And you'll tell him yourself now go!"

Birdy ran threw streets and ally's trying to get killed by soldiers and other people,
"Some only meant to be attacking wckd not blowing it up" she smirked as she kept running.
Where are they was all she kept thinking
Where are they.

"Birdy!" Someone shouted and she turned to see Thomas struggling to keep newt of him.
"Here I have it put him down!"
"He's trying to kill me"
"Please Tommy please" newt was screaming and birdy could feel herself ready to break in two.

She sprinted as fast as she could not caring what was in her way as she pulled out a syringe and stabbed it into one of the veins of the crying newts arms,
His breathing slowed
His eyes turned back
And the black veins turned to blue
"Birdy" he hugged her and began to sob, birdy knew herself newt would never forgive himself for what he had done to Thomas,
"Birdy" Thomas croaked and birdy saw Thomas had been stabbed.

"Shit" she muttered and walked over,
"Hey it's just a cut you'll be okay" she pulled some medical stuff out her bag and began to rap Thomas' arm,
"It's only your arm don't worry about it" she tried to hold back tears, they were tears of joy and sadness.

"It's okay, it's okay" she patched up Thomas who looked like he was going to pass out in her arms.

"Birdy I don't know if I'm going to make it" newt chimed in as his veins started to loose the colour again.

"You will just wait it's going to be okay, Thomas you know what you need to do go get her she loves you Thomas go get her" Thomas knew exactly what Birdy meant and he gave her a quick hug before he stood up and sprinted as Birdy walked over to newt who was begging to cough up more black blood.

"Birdy please just let me go"
"Never I love you"
"And your going to be an uncle so I couldn't let you not live"
Newt looked up one of his eyes had turned black but he looked happy
"You mean your pregnant?"
"Yep suprised you didn't catch on" she laughed as she put his over her shoulder and he just smiled, a smile Birdy had never saw before a smile of pure happiness.

"Birdy I love you and thank you" he coughed again nearly falling out of birdys grip,
"We can do this cmon!" She said in a whisper shout as newt started walking again,
"If it comes to it please don't let me turn into one of those beasts"
"You won't I won't let it now just around this corner come on" she spoke holding back tears, newt was really the only person who would keep her going it was sad how much she cared for him, he would choose her over anything in the world and loved her so much, it was just sad birds soul was belonged to another lover another man another soul.

"Here we are now just don't go crazy on me"
Birdy helped him into the bus and Brenda put a hand to her mouth trying not to cry, the children looked scared but Birdy just gave them a reassurance smile which made some calm down,
"Give him another dose it's going time."
Birdy nodded and sat newt down injecting some more of the serum into newts veins and he fell back to his normal trance and smiled at her giving her a hug.

"Let's go!" Brenda said putting the foot down making Birdy and newt fall back into there seats a little.

Brenda turned threw the roads like there was no tomorrow, threats being shouted from the trucks behind them, she laughed until she stopped,
"Fuck" she muttered shouting a wink to Birdy who stood up.
"Birdy what are you doing?" Newt asked trying to get up but he was too weak and birdy shushed him with a Finger to his lips.

"Get out of the Vehicle and hands up" a man spoke and birdy walked out holding a gun
"Drop the weapon!"
She smirked and held it up higher
"Drop the weapon!"
She pulled the trigger and Shot them a wink
As the sky turned a bright pink and the hook of a crane fell from the sky, she attached it to the bus nobody even noticing before running in and slamming the doors shut as the bus began to move forward trying to get up into the sky, the men were screaming and shouting and shooting at the bus before it knocked them all away as the bus began to fall into the sky,
"Hold on!" Brenda shouted as the kids screamed at frypans bad steering of the vehicle as they brought them to the edge of the wckd building,

"Fuck it's gonna go"
"I know!"
They were now tangling off the ground by atleast 10 feet ready for fry pan to drop them,
Screams filled the bus as it came to a holy and crashed on the floor.

"Lean forward everyone" Brenda shouted and they all leaned forward the bus crashing to the floor everyone still screaming,

Birdy stood up and high-fived Brenda before opening the doors,
"Let's go!" 

Everyone stood up still shook from what just happened and walked out the bus,

"Figured you'd need a ride back huh" vince spoke as he walked down the opening of the stolen wckd plane, Brenda walked up and hugged him before ushering for the kids to get on,
"Gally" birdy spoke walking up and hugging him as he hugged her back,

"I love you so much gal"
"And I love you my bird now cmon we need to save Thomas' ass" he smirked and laughed a little which was definitely not the time to be laughing and he realised that from birds death stare she shot him

"Told you, you would tell him your pregnant yourself" Brenda spoke before covering her hand with her mouth after what she had just said

"No way!" Gally screamed like a girl and lifted birdy up and spun her around before kissing her hard
"It's going to be called newt" newt chimed in
"Right cmon enough of the joys let's save Thomas"

"Thomas come on jump!" Birdy screamed

"Come closer" Teresa shouted and they moved closer
"Closer Vince" newt shouted and they moved back more, Teresa pushed Thomas so his hand could reach gallys making Gally pull him up,
"Jump Teresa comn!"
She just smiled at him and I knew what she was doing, she gave us all a small wave before smiling breaking our hearts, Thomas screamed for his life not a scream of pain but a scream of love as he watched the love of his life fall into the flames of a once building smiling softly at us before she disappeared, everyone was crying even Gally which proved how hard this was for all of them, currently birdy was crying into newts shoulder as they flew away to the so called safe haven but nobody knew what was going to happen and how many losses we had all we knew was that this was a fresh start.

1324 Word count


Gallys birdजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें