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"Guys hush she's in the shower" Alya pointed "Whats the plan" Mylen said "I will get her out of the house ,  Ivan , Kim , Nathaniel ,Adrien you guys will work on decorations "Then I'll work on the food" Julika "Yes Julika , take Rose and Lila with you" , and finally "Mylen , Marc and Chloe will inform our friends from New York about the party"

"Remember her Birthday is tomorrow and she has to avoid the lobby at all costs" Alya warned before leaving

Not long after Alya herd the water go off and quickly shoved everyone our the door. Marinette stepped out the bathroom with fresh clothes on and her hair down.

 Marinette stepped out the bathroom with fresh clothes on and her hair down

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Alya decided it would be best for her to get dressed too

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Alya decided it would be best for her to get dressed too

Alya decided it would be best for her to get dressed too

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Hey Marinette do you want to go shopping? Tomorrow is your birthday" Alya was hoping she would say yes "Well, yeah I don't see why not I do need some more clothes" she said clueless to the plan

They went through the lobby after texting their friends they were leaving "The shopping district is like 15 minutes away" Marinette rambled getting her id out for the shuttle bus

They were off shopping

Ivan, Kim , Nathaniel and Adrien got the decorations out of storage and started to decorate the lobby , they had about a quarter of it done within half of and hour .

Chloe , Mylen and Marc came back panting clearly out of breath but had 5 people behind them ready to help. "Why are you guys panting" Ivan asked "Well how about you take your Buffalo self up and down stairs and from room to room looking for 5 people" she shorted and quickly covered her mouth afterwords" she said Ivan didn't seam to care that she called him a buffalo

Julika , Rose and Lila came back from the small market down the street with a bunch of sweets and fruit.

Alix , Alex and Noah helped take the tables out of storage and set them , since her birthday wasn't until tomorrow the food went in the refrigerator . Zoe helped Adrien put the "Happy Birthday" balloons up, catting a little in the process.

Lydia ,Bridgette ,Nino and Max blew up the balloons

"Just some for finishing touches" Ivan and Kim said "And Done!" everyone fell to the flor on sync "whew , finally , now we just have to make sure she doesn't come in here for the next 24 hours" Alix fell back in frustration "don't worry guys I'm sure if the the shoe were on the other foot , Marinette would have done the same thing" Lila but in

"Yeah shes pretty amazing" Adrien sighed  "Yeah Dude"  Nino said in agreement

The sun began to set, not long after Alya texted Nino that they were on they're way and with a lot of bags too , he sighed " I have to go , you guys leave too Kim and Ivan stay until the text you a signal" Nino tiredly stood up everyone nodded

"Adrien you should come too" he stood up as everyone parted wayzz .

"Marinette you legs are lagging , walk faster" Alya nagged at her "Well lucky you you only have two bags i have six" the bakers daughter groaned "Ha don't worry Mari I ca-" she was cut off by two boys shouting "OVER HERE GIRLS!" they ran towards them "Here let us take them for you" Adrien took three and Nino leaving them with 1 each 'Thank you guys" Marinette  began to walk

It was actually kinda easy since at night the hotel front closes so Mari and Alya often used the back. The bags weren't actually that heavy for the boys "Well its 11:00 we should be heading back now" Alya and Marinette set the bags aside. Fei, Chloe and Sabrina were already fast asleep. They got dressed into their nightwear , after taking showers of course and went to the balcony.

It was 11:35 only 25 more minutes till Marinettes birthday they sat there staring at the sky "So Marinette what do you want to do on your birthday?" Alya asked her "spend it here with my friends that love me" she rested her head onto the rail as Alya smiled "Marinette can I ask you a serious question?" Marinette nodded in agreement "Do you have a crush on that super cute American boy Noah?" Alya couldn't help but pull a smirk

"WH-WAH-WA NOO I DO NOT" she shouted in a whisper tone "humph I know you better that yourself Marinette" Alya put her and over her chest " And there's only one boy you stutter around" Marinette caught wind of what that meant

"NO?" she made a sour face "my heart belongs to the only Adrien Agreste" she smiled , as Alya rolled her eyes "silly girl" she wished to herself on,y to find her best friend asleep next to her "What am I going to do with you" Alya patted her head as she rested hers ontop of the the sleeping bluenettes .

"FINALLY SHE WENT TO SLEEP" Chloe wisper screamed "yeah" Alya quietly removed herself "now c'mon help me get her to the bed" everyone wrapped an arm around her helping move her they all stared "Dang she didn't even make it to her birthday" Fei wisperd "Sabrina check the time" she quickley grabbed her phone  "11:45" everyone quietly laughed at the fact that she had fallen asleep so quickly

"Okay no time to loose" Alya quickly texed eveyone who was also still waiting up surprisingly everyone was still woke , well not really surprising since it had only been less that a hour since she had gotten home

Everyone quickly ran down to the backyard to also decorate for the evening more so 6pm , so she would not be able to go back there anytime before that time period and Kim would be in charge of that. Noah and Lydia were in charge of waking Marinette up , because the other girls would be already gone by then

The pool lights were glowing in the dark of the night everyone stared in awe at the magnificent sight it was really breath taking "Guys look" Julika sighed out it was Fireflies Rose quickey went in and got five jars catching them four in each then placing them below the pool light

"Shes going to be so happy" everyone did a group Hight Five then a hug before making it off to bed .


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