The News

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"the princess has returned"

The tall man stood there telling everyone in the room. Everyone cheering giving each other hugs , exchanging tears of joy "She has returned and so have the soon to be former King and Queen" he shifted uncomfortably in the spot

"Former?" Alya said from the side lines as she was confused not knowing what that meant "Was their going to be a new king and queen,would the princess be taking the throne from her parents" she stood waiting for a reply "Yes" the man shot a angry glare "Former" he spat "Anymore VALID questions?" Alya raised her hand once more "Yes" he once again spat out the s sounded like a snake in disguise "Isn't the princess almost 16? How is she going to rule a kingdom?" the reporter held he phone up to get his answer "That my dear child is none of your concern" the gray haired escort turned away not wanting to answer anymore questions revolving the princess or anyone to do with the palace

"no need to be bitchy" the brunette whispered as he dejected her question. Another brunette raised her hand "Excuse me sir?" she asked "I have a question" she smirked catching his attention "and what would that be Miss?" looking at her like he was awaiting for something "Rossi" seemingly knowing to what he was waiting for 

"What is your connection with the royal family?" the girl held the playful smirk on her face as her olive green eyes scanned him .

"I am the Princesses personal assistant" he said before walking outside into his coach glaring at Marinette. No one noticed not even the girl with the olive eyes

There was something oddly familiar about him to Marinette. His voice, she knew she had herd it before but just couldn't pinpoint where

"That guy was totally being a jackass" Alya rambled on how now she couldn't possibility upload that clip to her Ladyblog and he had made a fool of her "You know what, he can suck my nonexistent dick" the entire lobby turned to her attention "sorry" is the only thing she muttered before Mme Bustier drug her into the hallway giving her the same lecture she gave Chloe

As Marinette walked back to her room her mind was elsewhere she didn't care about her surroundings constantly bumping into stuff "Why was he so......... familiar" something was wrong but the thing is she didn't know exactly what

Still not paying attention she managed to bump into someone causing her to fall back onto the floor "Oh Shoot I'm so sorry I should've watched where I was going are you okay" she stretched to help the person up . "Yeah I'm fine it's okay truly don't apologize I also wasn't watching where I was going" he admitted

The boy had hair dark as night, fairly tan skin and big bulging green mint eyes, they would have reminded you of Adrien if you stared too long , looked as if he was about a grade above her

"Noah James" again he stuck his hand out this time for a proper meeting

"Marinette Dupain-Chang" he gasped at the last name of the girl he had just met , his eyes widened and stare grew cold

"Is there something wrong" she roughly shook her hands in front of his face "Oh um no" he fake laughed slightly "thought I seen someone I knew"

"Well I better get going" Marinette began to walk past the boy she had just met "WAIT" he yelled starting her "Umm yes" she pulled her hand out of his grip "Will you go out with me" she raised an eyebrow "I d-d-don't mean like that ha I mean like as friends"he seamed really desperate

"Um sure let me just let my friends know" she texted the Group Chat she had between her and the rest of her classmates. She waited for a response "Ok Mari just be back before 2 k"  the other members agreed 

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