A confession

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"What makes you think I would do that" Noah snarled at her his brows furrowed. He thought he would definitely be prone to her words filled with venom "I will not hesitate to end you right here or right now" her words filled with venom

"the real cops will be here soon" Rena stated out loud when she come back.

Cat Noir stepped up to him, intimidating, "where is she" his eyes dark and cold you could see a tint of red in them if you were staring long enough

Marinette wasn't just a friend, he had realized that on this trip, he became jealous of every guy that made her laugh other than him, even guy that was around her other than him. She's more than a friend, his pride for loving Ladybug, got in the way of his sight to see that. Right now she's the love of his life.

"She's right through that door" Noah pointed, the police arriving just as he did so. Without notice Cat Noir punched Noah in the face. His nose started to ooze blood. The other heroes stared, not saying a word or daring to.

Noah only grinned. The blood from his nose ran onto his teeth, then to his chin, then down his shirt.

"you can try to save her, but you never will" Noah said in the most sinister voice.

Everything was different this was no longer a happy story. This was a dark one. Where the hero didn't always win, or someone didn't make it. But Cat Noir was not about to let that happen. This was going to end the way he wanted.

All of the heros gathered around him near that door.

They looked around at this tragedy of a city.

Dim skies, broken streets, screams of terror, villans lurking in every corner, fire on nearly every roof. He sighed, this is what had become of this class trip

He turned the knob. Pegasus agreed to stay outside to alert the heros If anyone were to come in or intrude, as if they weren't already doing that.

As they walked in the floor, their feet hit the bare pavement. It looked like an enderground lair, where bad things happened.

Ryuko walked to a table with dust on it, a broken picture frame sat there untouched. She blew the dust off revealing a man and his wife, they were not familiar.

Well obviously since they were not from China.

Cat decided to continue walking, other following behind him.

"Marinette" Cat whispered, he voice quiet and cold "how could I let this happen to her" his voice filling with despair each step he took. With each individual step of each individual person, the sound of pavement clacked, you could hear each individual step.

It was vacant, no hidden doors, no hidden compartments from what they could see. No secret doors. Rena sighed as she traced her hand along the wall trying to reminisce about the last time she saw Marinette.

Ryuko paced leading her way back to the table with the two figures and picked up the frame.

The floor fell

Everyone began to fall even more, deeper and darker into a cave like area. Just in time Carapace used shelter to catch everyone and protect them from the impact of the fall. However, he was the first to hit the ground and his arm was fractured in the fall.

"ah" he groaned as he stood. "you guys go I'll stay here" he grabbed his arm in pain "no" Rena chimed in "I'll stay with you"

"we can't stop here" the rest of the heros followed down the cobblestone dungeon like stairs, hoping to find something of hers.

There were rooms 10 of them. "we have to split up" Queen Bee activated her Venom walking off into the abyss of a room "wait no Chlo- Queen Bee" Cat Noir tried to call out but it was too late
, she was already gone.

Cat sighed as eveyone else was spit into different rooms.

Just his luck, Cat wanderd into a room , enclosed walls, and low ceilings, shivers up his spine and back, the goosebumps starting to settle in, He must admit. he was scared.

He felt a latch which lead to a reel and a  opening door. He carefully pulled out his staff slowly and cautiously looking forward and back. Then the celling git high, and he was out the tunnel like door, the air was sticky, and he felt the uncomfortableness in his suit.

There were bars a lot of them, so many he couldn't see through them. It's not what he can see, but hear. And what he he heard was shallow breaths. And one person came to mind. And it was

"Marinette!" he shouted "MARINETTE" again "MArInEtTE" he voice cracked.

No response...

He searched for keys using his night glow vision. No sign of anything He sighed "cataclysm" he said knowing this could be a slight change of this no being her,and potentially someone who could end his life or take him out at that exact same moment, however he chose to belive in himself.

He told himself, that this was her and it couldn't be possibly be anyone else.

It couldn't be.. right? Or another person being held captive by these people. He walked in a defensive stance and his cataclysm in one hand the staff in the another. He took a breath and looked around

The heavy air the smell of decomposing organisms, and the dark room. Someone or something was definitely trapped in here

He slowly touched the bars. They desentegrated slowly. The black falling down by the second, for a second he stood there unguarded.

He walked into another pit of darkness and could feel the atphesphme grow dense and timid.

His used his vision and he seen her...... Marinette, she lay there, she looked so helpless at the moment, that was never her, she was always so bold and relentless despite he clumsiness.

He ran to her and stepped in something that made a sound.... the bluenette was laying. in her own pool of blood. He felt his chest get heavy, by him being mad had to wai for later. Right now she need to get to safety. He couldn't see every single wound but he know it was bad.

He checked for a pulse .....

it was there


But he breathing was slowing with each second as he stood there. his face was horrified, in despair and scared. People forget ..... he's still a kid.

He cupped her face and put his head to hers "I'm going to get you out of here."

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