The Wish (Part 2)

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"Her" just as he said the immobilization process wore off, leaving her confused

"Tikki I don't like this" she said quivering at the huge monster Kwami, but Tikki didn't answer "Tikki?" she reached for her earrings suddenly realizing they were gone, she frantically looked until her eyes wanted upon Lucious.

Suddenly she realized, he was making the wish, he had been doing what Hawkmoth had failed to do so many times, but with each wish comes an expense. And she was the expense he was willing to give up.

"Wait, no , no Lucious, you can't do this" she began backing up slowly as the Kwami inched further toward her

"It's not too late, you can still call off the wish" he not once batted a eyelash no sorts of empathy "little girl" the Kwami spoke "this is an act of love and vengeance, the worst kind of defiance in the world, however his wish will he granted, but it can be countered if someone offers to take your place"

Marinette and the Kwami looked around to see only Adrien lying unconscious on the ground . The Kwami looked back to Marinette "NO- no it's - it's okay , take me, just don't hurt him Lucious" he shook his head as to get the exchange.

The mega Kwami reached its hand out for Marinette to take, it was going to take her far away, somewhere far away from he friend, her family, the universe, Adrien.

Speaking of Adrien he finally opened his eyes to see Marinette surrounded by a white aura, than he seen the Kawmi of Creation and Destruction with her. At that moment he knew they lost, there was nothing he could do... but that didn't mean he wasn't going to try.

He ran up to her as fast as he could but was stopped by a protective shield, he bounced back onto the hard concrete ground "MARINETTE,NO, NO" he banged and banged against the dome until he was tired and his arms wore out.

He looked at Lucious, his hands went into fists.

"HEY! YOU" he tackled him against the wall and tried forcefully to pry the miraculous off of him, Lucious pushed Adrien against the edge leaving him to dangle hanging for his life.Not too long after Lucious noticed Adrien had scratched him deep inside the flash, causing non stop bleeding.

A beam of light shot straight down into the castle ripping it apart, Adrien fell to the ground with it.

He hit his head, really hard, he got up, feeling dizzy, he desperately tried to observe his surroundings. Dozens of people were still running, the fires were back.

Someone helped him up, not someone he expected at all, it was a small weak and frail hand "Sabine?" he said as she looked at him

"Adrien we have to get to the middle before they disappear" she grabbed his hand and drug him with her, she needed his help, Nino, Alyas, luka, Kagami and Chloe's,

"MRS DUPAIN-CHANG! What are you doing?" He asked her "saving my daughter"

"Lucious" she stepped up to him "punish me, do not punish my daughter for my actions, I know what I did was wrong and I know... sorry won't fix it" he cut her off and threw her on the ground

"Watch" he pointed to the two light figures walking away,

"NO" she struggled up, the kids kept Lucious at bay, keeping him away from her.

She limped over to the bubble. She called out Marinettes name several times, yet she seemed to not notice her, it wasn't until she truly looked that Marinettes eyes were glowing purple.

"TAKE ME INSTEAD!" Sabine screamed "I- I have to pay for actions, do not punish this innocent girl more than you already have, take me" she repeated, the Kwami said nothing, nothing at all. But instead flew up, high into the sky with Marinette.

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