Explain and Action

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"So Marinette" Chloe circled her as they collected items. "When were you going to tell us your BEST FRIENDS that you were a princess" Chloe paced around uttering how ridiculous this was.

"Well.. Chloe" Marinette smiled awkwardly smiled "now you know" she shrugged it off. Nino overheard "Wow Marinette, that's all you have to say?" All eyes were on him as he grew angrier "EVERYONE HERE IS RISKING THEIR LIVES FOR YOU? AND THATS IT? he shrugged sarcastically "You kept this secret from everyone and now we're all paying the price because you couldn't just.. tell the truth."

Marinette remained silent. She felt tears. but there was nothing she could say, After all,  he was right wasnt he?

Nino seemed oppose to the silence "All of this sneaking around, doing stuff in secret, what other secretes do you have Marinette?" He hissed

She in fact did not have anymore,  that she herself knew. Marinette didn't want to hurt them with the news.

"I was planning to tell you guys but-" she reminded herself before speaking

Maybe it was better this way

"You're right Nino"she let of a sign of defeat "it's all my fault, had I not been so careless we wouldn't be in this mess" she held the tears back

"Maybe we should have left you in that alleyway" audible gasps were heard at this point. Nino had regretted what he had just said but there was no going back. So, he stood there standing his ground.

Marinette went completely numb.

"HEY!" the voice from after said getting closer

"WHAT THE HELL" it was Adrien. He stomped forward and grabbed Nino by the hem of his shirt "do you even know what she's been through" Adrien growled "maybe I was wrong to make you my best friend" he threw Nino to the ground.

"Let's go Marinette" he reached out his hand to help her up as the others rushed to help Nino.

"It's almost sundown" Adrien whispered so everyone else could hear

"Hey are you alright Marinette?" He gently smiled at her inside the small shelter "yea, I mean some terrible bad guy is out here trying to kill me and Nino wishes I was dead" she began crying

"He's right, all I do is mess everything up, I lie, I lied to you, I lied to Alya, no one trusts me any more" she pulled her knees up to her head and began sobbing

"I trust you" he grabbed her hand and hugged her "you're our ladybug, nothing could ever make me hate you"  he continued, almost saying something before Chloe's head peaked through "Adrien.. it's sundown"

"Marinette are you sure you'll be able to do this? You're still hurt."

"Yes, I'll be fine, becides I'm the only person who can put an end to this" she didn't want her friends getting anymore hurt they they already had been. It was all her fault


The sky shivered with the fires and dirt. This was not the Shanghai the people one knew.

They stood at the top of the building with ladybug upfront.

Luscious was pacing back and forth through the castle.

"Multi mouse, once I become of the guards I need you to shrink and hide on my shoulder tagt should make it easier for you to get in, once we get to positions, Viperion you set you second chance just in case anything goes wrong and Queen Bee you must freeze the regular guards with your venom, everyone else, prepare for battle"

Alya transformed into the broad tall guard with darkend butterflies surrounding her and a full set of armor, Multimouse hid in-between the fabrics holding on tight.

"Lucky Charm" Ladybug spawned a pair of binoculars

Rena anxiously awaited for the right time "I need a word with our master" the other guards looked at eachother "why" They asked her. She shook a little "I have news reguarding the girl" they glanced at her and let her in "straight down then make a left, eighth door on the right.

MultiMouse  jumped from the fabric and multiplied securing various hiding spots. Rena gave Multimouse the okay to send the signal. "Trixx let's rest"

Queen Bee and Ryuko ambushed the guards paralyzing them and blowing them away. The inside guards waisted no time sending out the troops.

"Pigella, Viperion distract them" Cat Noir, Ladybug and Carapace ran in into Rena spot

Rena whispered "do you guys see that room over there, the one with the gold handle" there had been fifteen doors in that hall, all but one had a silver handle. "I peaked in thats where he is, I do think you guys should be careful, he looks pissed" they all nodded as Rena carefully exited to fight alongside the other hero's as her job has been done "wait-" Ladybug called out to her "take this it's a buzzer I got from my lucky charm, that will ring if we're in need of help"

With all of the other guards busy keeping the other hero's out that left no one to alert lucious "Carapace you stay down, you'll know when we need you, stay here, we can't risk all of us getting hurt at one time" Cat Noir peaked through the door making sure to not cause any squeaking.

Lucious sat in his chair with Clarke by his side, they were sure they they had already taken care of him but yet he was back. They had to carefully rethink this. They seen one of Multimouses little clones running around "Multimouse" Ladybug called for her to come over "here's what we need you to do"

Multimouse stood there in the doorway staring directly at Lucious locking eyes. His eyes were red and tiresome. "Get her" he told Clarke causing him to start running at full speed with an axe in his hands.

Multimouse continued there at her stance. As the axe touched her a green forcefield shelterd her giving her time to run away. Ladybugs yo-yo yanked the axe to her side. Clarke fell down bursting his jaw.

"Dark wings rise" her began throwing sharp butterflies toward LB and CN. But they were sheltered by each throw.

Little did they know he had learned a little trick or two with the miraculous.

"Cat Noir you go for the miraculous, I'll go for him" the vengeance in her eyes grew .

"Shatter" he flapped his arm

The entire scene froze in time. Everything was moving at a slow pace. Lucious walked closer to Cat Noir headed for his ring. They suddenly everything reset. They were back at the scene of butterflies.

"Cat Noir wait" Ladybug had pressed the button that she gave Rena and Viperion reset the timeline.

"I know m'lady" Cat Noirs focus set on stoping the time fragment. But how?

Carapase had his a plan of his own, it seemed that Queen Bee caught up to them

Carapace emerged through the door with his shelter and hiding the two jerking behind it, but he didn't stop, he charged straight into Lucious paralyzing him with Queen bees venom. Good news is Lucious was paralyzed but Carapaces action causes him to go through multiple of the castle walls, they had no idea how long the venom would last for.


"Chloe you take care of Clarke make sure he stays down"

Carapace took the lead protecting them from any threats upfront

Lucius laid at the end of the brick unresponsive. Ladybug scurried over to him snatching the broach.

NooRoo looked so scared, for years he had been stuck in evil hands and now this short lived freedom.

Lucious regained his strength with bloodshot eyes


I haven't done one of these a/n s in a while lol but we're gonna leave on this cliff hanger Dw I know their are some other storylines I need to wrap up oh and also one month and one day until the US premiere of the Awakening movie 😝

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