Arivals and Rivals

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Adrien walked over and sat next to  Marinette who was sleeping quietly and rested his head on hers

Lila walked out of  the bathroom catching a glimpse at the two "Eww why does she think she's so special"

She stopped by the Flight Attendants tray and asked for a cup of cranberry juice making sure it was actual cranberry juice before she took the cup

"Thank you ma'am" Lila took the cup "Your welcome dear" the lady pinched her cheeks

She walked by Adrien and Mari "Accidentally" tripping the 2 jolted up
"Oh no I'm ever so terribly sorry Marinette I did not mean to"

"It's its ok Lila just please excuse me"
She grabbed her purse and ran to the bathroom with tears in her eyes and vision getting blurry every second

"Oh Tikki what am I gonna do about my clothes it looks like I just had my period and my dress is ruined ." She fell down to the floor quietly sobbing so no one could hear her.

"Marinette it's ok" Tikki flew up and wiped a tear off her face "No it's not, the whole class seen me"Tikki nuzzled her face "You're truly the best kwami ever"

Subsequently, there is a knock on the door it was Alya "Hey girl you alright" standing on the other side"Yeah -Yeah I'm fine" gathering herself off the floor

"You sure who was you talking to just now"

"My inner conscience" she lied "okay well we can switch seats again if you want"

"That would be nice" sniffing her nose "C'mon Marinette" Tikki flew back into her purse

She could feel all eyes on her as she walked out the bathroom back to her seat next to Alya

"Such a shame that dress was pretty" Chloe scoffed

"When we land we'll get you a new dress okay"

Time skip 2 hours later

"Uuuuuuuuhgggggggg finally I can stretch and breathe real airrrrrrrr" Kim sprinted to the Convair belt and grabbed his luggage

Max followed

Marinette and Alya walked out together

"Marinette once again I am so terribly sorry about your dress" the liar reached out to hug her "It's ok Lila it was an accident I understand" proceeding with a forced smile

"Great, glad we're on the same page" Lila let a ferocious growl when she turned around

**Clap, Clap**

Miss Bustier redirects the classes' attention from Marinette to her "The shuttle bus will be here in 20 minutes,  get your bags and follow me." She led them to an outside bench where it was enough seats for everyone. 

"Hey Marinette are you okay"  Adrien walked up to her pulling his luggage "Oh he-hey Adrien yeah I'm fine" exclaimed Marinette

He sat down next to her on the small bench "Can I ask you a question"rubbing the back of his nape
"Yeah sure"

"Why were you so nice to Lila? You know she spilled the juice on purpose?"

"Yes well the trip is about bonding and friendships, so maybe I can try and be friends with her" Marinette sighed and put her hands on her lap

"After everything she did to you s-she lied on you and got you expelled" Adrien raised his voice a slight bit to what she was used to hearing

"Adrien"calmly cupping his cheeks
"It's okay I'm fine "

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