The Birthday Bash

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The sunrise was a beautiful mix of Red, Orange and Yellow. Today was not just only Marinette's birthday but also the lost princesses. But of course no-one knew that.

"Marinette , pst , Marinette" a squeaky voice said from beside her it was Tikki her eyes began it slowly open to see the blurry bright red figure in her eyesight "Ugggg Tikki what time is it"

"8:30" Tikki answered her "Wait" her eyes widened as she put her hand on her head "ITS MY BIRTHDAY!"she jolted out of bed quickly running out of the bedroom and into the bathroom throwing her pre planned clothes out

A purple shirt with a Mustard yellow shirt and Mustard Yellow shoes to match the top. She ran out the bathroom to find Alya standing there with a gift bag in her hand smiling hard at her "Happy Birthday Marinette!" Alya gave her a small gift bag squealing with excitement

Marinette took the bag from her bffs hands as she hugged her very tightly

"Wow Alya its beautiful!" thej bluenette continued to take it out of the box then sliding it onto her left wrist "Thank you!" she hugged Alya once again

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"Wow Alya its beautiful!" thej bluenette continued to take it out of the box then sliding it onto her left wrist "Thank you!" she hugged Alya once again

"Well Marinette" Alya smirked "Everyone has a surprise for you" she gripped her hand and drug her down the hallway and into the elevator "Marinette Dupain Chang you better be excited" Alya said with excitement in her voice  "I am - I am" she giggled at her friend "Close your eyes and put this on" it was a blindfold. Marinette did as told

The elevator dinged as everyone ran to their spots to prepare for what was coming next .

Marinettes hands slowly lowered the blindfold to see at leat 15 people standing there in the way "SUPRISE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARINETTE!" everyone said at the same time

Marinette stood there shocked at the fact that her friends would actually do that for her. She gave the group a big hug

Presents were piled up on the table a gift from each friend

"Well what are we waiting for lets get the party started" Nino ran up to his Dj-ing spot and began to play songs one specific song would be saved for later (I think we all know which one)

Marc watched as Nathaniel drooled over Marinette every move she made he watched. He didn't know that someone was secretly watching him for a distance "Hey Marc are you okay, you seem a little down" the person tapped his back "No its just" he found himself looking back at Nathaniel with red cheeks

"Marc" the voice said "Do you like Nath" he looked away in embarrassment "You know we would never judge you. Don't you?"

Marc had got up dragging the person to the corridor "Ailx" he looked at her deeply in the eyes "You can't tell anyone got it!" she nodded , he let her shoulders go "So when did you start feeling this way about him?" Alix asked him "Ever since you know, when I turned into Reverser and you and him saved me" he scratched the back of his neck

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