Prepare For The Worst

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Marinette sat there petrified unknowingly of what this man was going to do to her. Trying to figure out why she "had to pay for her parents mistake?"

The steps drew closer within seconds, then a click, the room was lit up everywhere she looked not a blind space in the room. She dreaded looking in- front of her but she knew eventually had to.

The sight was horrific the man's left eye was gashed out,he had a prosthetic leg and a scar around his remaining eye. His walk was crooked and rickety.

"You're going to pay for what they did to me , no us"another man came out this one was way too familiar but in a different font. "This is Clarke, you're parents left him behind when they fled China all those years ago, leaving him during a terrorist attack, take a good look at us princess, because it might be you're last." tears threatening to fall down her face as took all this in.

As her mind wandered she grew unfocused not realising that she had been cut from the ropes freeing her hands.

"As for me I was sentenced to execution"

This was seriously a lot of information to take in at one time, she couldn't process anything before she felt a sharp pain in her chest.

Her face fell and her bangs covered the pain in her eyes.

She looked down at the knife in her chest.

Her breathing slowed at a rapid rate. Her vision blurred she could barely make out the vision of the two people in front of her.

"Wait?  I thought there were only two? Why? Who is that?





Die  ?

Those were her thoughts while looking at the sharp object that had been propelled into her.

Her face paled lighter and lighter as the third figure came forward leaving the other two in place.

She fell to her knees with her hand over the wound, she ripped the knife out of it's place dropping it onto the floor as the blood that was once being held in began to drip.

It covered the blue shirt she was wearing and dripped down to the yellow skit and eventually down to the floor. You could hear the drops of liquid on the concrete floor.

                             End   ?

Clutching her chest in pain. The other figure showed and another behind him.

"So there were four?" her eyes begun to get heavier and she grew weaker. The first person she recognized right away.







Was in on her demise.



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