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Each room had three beds and a master bathroom. Everyone was too excited to check the rooms before heading down earlier.

"Well looks like the Queen Bee herself  is getting her own bed" Marinette and Alya teased "Do not speak of the Queen Bees name in vain" Chloe let out a laugh

Marinette and Fei were talking about their plans after they were done their fittings. Alya and Sabrina sat on the lounge showing each other pictures they took while doing their fittings.

Everyone was occupied but one. No one knew her plans as she moved like a ninja. She set up the trap her smile grew as she know how sinister it was. As time went by Chloe hid beneath the bed after setting her phone up "Oh those four and in for quite the surprise" 

Marinette and Alya got in their shared bed as well as Fei and Sabrina that had thought Chloe already went to bed due to it being an imprint of her body and the covers covering her. 

As soon their backs hit the beds horns were honked and the beds were flipped onto the floor and whipped cream was launched into their faces as they were plummeted onto the floor. The pillows beneath them broke their fall

Chloe came out laughing and clutching her stomach as the girls looked around in a days

"CHLOE YOU ARE OVER" Alya yelled

"Looks like the Queen Bee is a prankster after all" Marinette dusted her clothes off

Fei gasped

"Chloe" was all Sabrina could say

She stoop there cackling for a bit before being pulled down into the mess by the other girls "Ug YOU GUYS SPOILED MY SHENEL PANTS" she started laughing again

"Wait Chloe how are we going to clean this up" Fei spoke up as the laughter died down "Girls don't worry daddy has it covered" she took out her credit card and whipped out her pants and dialed for room service

"We would like room service for room 12347 please and make it snappy" as soon as the phone was put down there was a knock at the door with five palace maids. The girls also helped by pitching in and changing the bed sheets.

Marinette sighed, soon this would all be a memory. She would no longer be able to play around with her friends, she had to find a way to be in Paris as Ladybug too. She begun to think back to a couple of days ago when she was asked how she thought her future would be be, she didn't know she was going to become the QUEEN at 16 years old, how could you do that and protect the world from a notorious villain that's been out to get them since day one. She had only found out a couple of hours earlier that her fate was sealed by a crown. Tears welled up in her eyes knowing this was most likely never going to happen again.

Alya noticed her best friend upset and out of character a little bit "Hey M are you okay" her face turned concerned "Yes Alya I'm FINE completely I'm just a little.........TIRED that's all."


Marinette stood in the throne room , thousands of people staring at her as she walked towards the crown. Her parents on the sideline , Adrien and Alya next walking right by her side Noah , Bridgette , Lydia and Alex in the rough crowd along with her classmates. Lou and Lenni-Kim right behind her making sure her dress train was straight with no wrinkles. Crystal held a checkbook in her hand clutching it to her chest. Something was.......... off, she didn't feel right as she got closer to the crown the uneasiness began to fade. All her problems were solved she no longer had to worry about being Ladybug , her crush in Adrien seemed to be no more .

Mme Bustier stood just by the stairs to the chair . She wanted to thank her teacher but decided that after her coronation would be better. Her class seamed to accept the fact that she now welding  the responsibly of being queen. Most importantly Alya she knew that they would no longer be in contact one Marinette claimed the throne.

Turns out Happily Ever Afters do exist they might not end exactly the way you want them to but they do. The worry crept up upon her again as everything seamed perfect a little too perfect everyone cheered and yelled in her honor . She looked down at her golden shoes with diamonds in the middle and smiled. Then the cheering stopped.

When she looked back up the light that filled the room was gone , the food on the table gone , the people , Adrien ,Alya ,Noah all gone . She blinked a couple times with each time it got darker she began to call names "Mom" ..... silence "Dad" .......... "Adrien" more and more silence.

She walked back down the stairs that were now old and rickety and creaked with each step that was taken . She began to grow more and more scared each second. Marinette left the room until she came across a huge ballroom she peaked inside her heart thumping louder and louder each passing second ........ there was someone in it.

Without thinking she ran to the figure as she got closer she realized this was no ordinary boy it was "CAT NOIR!!!!!!" she ran full speed towards him and jolted him into a hug  "Cat Noir where is everyone" she looked into his face he was crying "Cat Noir are you o-okay" she stared worried "I'm sorry Princess its my fault it happened I-I couldn't stop him" he said between sobs she felt a rush of emotions flow through her. Why was he sorry? And what couldn't he stop?

"I love you M'lady" that's what he said next that made her pull away wiping her eyes "What did you call me" she said as kind if a whimper

He was gone , faded from existence as if he were some type of illusion. The ballroom scene faded into nothing but pure darkness. And left her spinning like she was a ballerina in a box falling to her doom.

When her eyes opened she was walking up the isle again , this time Adrien was at the end and in a tuxedo? Tom was this time at her side and Alya held a bouquet of flowers in her hand. Marinette took them as she walked by up to the small platform.

A man in white stood between her and Adrien asking questions she couldn't quite hear. The words "I Do" came out her mouth soon forgetting what had happened before with Cat Noir as Adrien's lips crashed into hers wrapping his hands around her waist as her arms went around his neck . They pulled away from each other. He face in shock as she realized SHE JUST KISSED AND MARRIED ADRIEN AGRESTE!!!!!!!!!!. 

Maybe this time she would get her Happily Ever After.








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