I Hate Goodbyes

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"Dot we're here"
Announced Joe, pulling into a empty bay outside Heathrow Terminal 5. Which was eerily deserted, in the midst of the pandemic, which although was starting to improve with life slowly returning to normal, international travel was still heavily restricted, full of isolation, testing and border closures putting many people off venturing outside the country. But for people like Dianne, who had family overseas, the absence of travel over the past year and a half had only increased the homesick feeling, and need to head home. Flight after flight had been cancelled, each time being a huge knock to Dianne, who's frustration was growing as every month past. But finally with pro tour being cancelled, Dianne had un willingly booked another set of flights, in the fear of being let down yet again. But Joe had stepped in, and convinced Dianne to try again, knowing that it would be worth the chance for her to be reunited with her family, as he knew it would make her the happiest girl in the world, which was what he had always ever wanted. Even though he couldn't be their to witness the reunion in person, due to covid restrictions preventing non Australian citizens from entering the country. With a new set of flights booked, the pair had held their breath at every travel announcement, praying that the restrictions wouldn't change preventing Dianne from travelling. With luck finally on her side the restrictions had stayed the same, and the day had finally arrived for her to make the long journey home to the other side of the world.

Questioned Joe again after no response, rubbing his girlfriends leg. Who was currently deep in thought and in her own little world, staring out of the passenger window.

Dianne Mumbled, her eyes still fixated out through the window, watching a plane in the distance disappear into the clouds, knowing that was going to be her in a couple of hours.

"We're here Dot... at the airport"
Repeated Joe, trying to catch a glance at his girlfriends reflection in the car window, to try and gage where her emotions were at. It wasn't unusual for emotions to run high when the pair separated for their stints apart. Especially after spending months in lockdown together, the pair were closer than ever, "joined at the hip" some may even say, making goodbyes just that bit harder for the couple.

"Just a couple more minutes"
Insisted Dianne, tearing her eyes away from the window to look at Joes face. He noticed her eyes were slightly glazed evidently with tears, but he decided not to mention it knowing that it could easily push a already stressed Dianne over the edge, which was not ideal just before her solo trip across the world.

"You really need to get going, so you can make the most of that swanky first class lounge, bet you will have it all to yourself like a princess!"
Joked Joe, trying to lighten the mood. He himself was starting to feel the pit in his stomach growing by the second. Of course he too was extremely excited for Dianne to see her family, but he knew he was going to miss her dearly. Whenether she was away, it was the things he didn't even realise she did when she was around him he missed. The piles of messy clothes, abandoned trainers and a strange concoction of food made by Dianne, had become his normal and was strangely comforting to him, because it reminded him of home. Their home. A place where they could escape from the public eye, and spend quality time together. It was a place which only ever felt complete, when they were both there together otherwise it felt empty.

"Kk... let's get my bags then"
Mumbled Dianne, abruptly pushing open the car door, and rushing around to the boot of the car, where her two packed to the brim suitcases were stored. Taken aback by her sudden haste, Joe quickly followed, fumbling around with Dianne's boarding pass and endless paper work which she had left in the safety of him.

"Wowowow slow down Dot, there is no need to rush, I don't want you hurting yourself!"
Exclaimed Joe, quickly stepping in as Dianne roughly yanked a suitcase out of the car, followed quickly by another one, landing in a heap on the pavement.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2021 ⏰

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