It was him

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Side note on this one, that it contains mature themes, so feel free to skip:)

"Joe what do you think?"
Asked Dianne, twirling around their bedroom. In her emerald green, silk dress.
She paused abruptly mid spin, due to the lack of response from her boyfriend.
"Oh god, do you not like the dress?"
"Is it too much?"
"I knew It would look crap on me"
Sighed Dianne, flopping onto the bed. Feeling a sense of self consciousness wash over her.

She had wanted tonight to be perfect, her and Joe rarely got date nights out like this. So when they did come around, the pair tried to make them as special as possible. Tonight, the couple were heading out to a swanky roof top restaurant in the city.
Dianne had decided to purchase, a new dress for the occasion. But her plan had backfired, when her order had arrived earlier that day, looking far from how it looked on the model online. Never the less, Dianne had stuck to her guns, and had decided to wear the dress. Thinking it would be a good thing, to push out of her comfort zone. Now Dianne was regretting this decision, more and more by the second.

"No Dot, honestly come here. I am actually speechless, you look so stunning"
Spluttered Joe, taken aback by his girlfriends beauty.

After over 2 years of being together, she still took his breath away. Forever reminding him, how lucky he was to have such a gorgeous girlfriend.

"You promise, your not lying to me?"
Said Dianne, looking up into Joes deep blue eyes, searching for any hints of lies.
"Of course not Dot, when have I ever lied to you eh?"
"Never, I'm just not sure about this dress"
Said Dianne. Wondering over to the mirror, smoothing out the slightly creased fabric.
"Well I think it's very beautiful. You could wear anything, and I'd still fancy the pants of ya!"
Smiled joe, wrapping his arms protectively around her, from behind.
"Alright Joseph, calm down!
But seriously thank you"
Said Dianne, spinning around to face Joe, giving him a soft peck on the cheek. Satisfied with his response.

"Right, I'll meet you down stairs in a sec. Once I have finished up doing my make up!"
"Remember, Dot we're going for dinner, not breakfast tomorrow!"
Cheekily added Joe.
Knowing all too well, that a second in Diannes world. Often resulted in them running late, which was a major pet peeve of his.

After making it to the restaurant, surprisingly on schedule. The couple had settled down at a table, enjoying their first drinks of the evening.

"This winee is gorg!"
Explained Dianne, taking a long sip from the glass.
She wasn't a big drinker, but did love a good glass of red wine every now and again.
"Cmon, let me have a sip Dot! Sharing is caring remember!"
Dianne playfully rolled her eyes, in response to her boyfriends plea.

They had always been one of those couples, who shared everything. From work projects, down to their clothes. It had always been the norm for them. So in this instance sharing a glass of wine, in a high end restaurant, was nothing out of the ordinary for them. No matter what strange looks, other couples gave them.

"Mmmmm I agree, that is very nice. kind of wish I got that now"
"Treat yourself Joe, we don't go out that often"
Egged on Dianne. Seemingly already feeling the affects, of only a few sips of her beverage.
"I would Dot, but I don't fancy getting done for drink driving, on our way home"
Laughed Joe.

He rolled his eyes at the fact, his girlfriend seemed to be semi trollied so early on In the evening. Dianne, who he had discovered very early on in their relationship, was a light weight. Meaning any time they went out for drinks together, it usually ended with him in some shape or form having to carry her home. But of course, this didn't matter to Joe. As long as his girlfriend, was having a good time and was safe, he was happy to help her out.

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