Dancing through hell

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Hi I'm back with another one shot chapter, this one has themes of violence in it so may not be suitable for all readers. It is inspired by hd1606  who has written a one shot based on a similar storyline, I suggest you check them out:) Also LaurenDonald7  dmed me a idea, which I tried to incorporate into this, I hope you like it.


"Ok let's take a break"

Announced Dianne.
After yet another heated argument with her celebrity dance partner James, she could feel her temper wearing short. The truth was, this hadn't been the first conflict which the pair had engaged in. In fact, throughout his 8 weeks on the show Jame's hunger to win had only increased, leading to a backlash of verbal abuse against Dianne, who's hands were tied. Her dream was to get to the final and win as well, just like James. But with Jame's behaviour getting worse daily, she couldn't help just wish the public would vote them out. Un lucky for her, to the public James appeared to be a charming engaging guy, who had won over a vast majority of the strictly viewers hearts. A far cry from the man, who Dianne had to put up in rehearsals day in day out. In all honesty Dianne was scared, she had met guys like James before. They were un predictable, which was the factor which worried Dianne the most.

"No you lazy bitch, we are rehearsing until it's perfect"
Growled James, tightening his grip on Dianne's for arm.

"James please let go your hurting me"
Whimpered Dianne. Frozen to the spot as the mans grip released from her arm.

"Just do what I say, and then it wouldn't come to that"

"O ok, we will do another hour and a half"
Reluctantly replied Dianne. Glancing up at the clock on the studio wall, signalling the what should of been end of a already long 13 hour day of rehearsals. The dance was pretty much perfect, with just some minor tweaks needed, which could easily be sorted out the following day, ahead of the camera block through on the Friday.

"Make it two"
Snarled James, heading back into the centre of the studio, ready to re run the dance for the millionth time.

Nodding in response. Dianne rapidly scuttled over to her phone, ready to set up the music once again.
A message pinged through on her phone, forcing Dianne to fearfully look up, to check James hadn't heard. Preparing herself for another onslaught of accusations. Luckily the man seemed too engrossed in marking through steps, to have heard the notification come through.
Letting out a silent sigh of relief, Dianne's focus returned to the message sitting in her inbox...

Joe: Hi Dot I hope rehearsals went ok today. I'm heading home now, is there anything you want me to pick up from the shops on the way? Love you xx

Just as Dianne cracked a smile, after reading the message, her phone was snatched violently out of her hands.

"What are you doing?"
Hissed James. Who was currently towering over the red head, pressed against the wall.

"I- I was just getting the music set up"

"Your a fucking liar, your too self obsessed with your stupid boyfriend. Than actually doing your job properly, no wonder you have struggled to get past week 4 for the past two years!"
Accused James, waving Dianne's phone in the air.
"Please just give it back"
Pleaded Dianne, grabbing her dance bag from beside her, in a bid to leave. Deciding that it was better if she left now, and faced the consequences of it the following day.

"Where do you think your going?"

"I'm going home"
Bluntly replied Dianne, ripping her phone out of the mans hands. And quickly making her way to the door, refusing to look back and engage with the onslaught of abuse, coming out of her dance partners mouth.

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