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October 2020

As Dianne rolled over on a early Sunday morning, she felt a sense of emptiness in her. Normally Sunday's were her and Joes day to spend quality time together, a break from their jam packed schedules. But this year was all was different, due to the current covid situation 2020 had brought, Dianne had to move out of her and Joes apartment, and live on her own, forming a bubble with her celebrity partner. Of course it was hard, but joe and Dianne both knew that dance was Diannes life, and no matter the distance between them they were strong enough to push through.

Through now to week 6 of the competition, the effects of being distanced from her boyfriend were starting to ware on Dianne. She missed the simple things which she had taken for granted before, like a simple peck on the cheek or a good morning snuggle together. Now laying in bed alone she glanced over to her bedside table where a small photo book lay, joe had made this as a suprise for Dianne before she left, and told her when ever she felt down and lonely she should look in it. Lazily reaching over, body still exhausted from the night of dancing before, she picked up the photo book, opening it onto the first page.

Dianne smiled as she took in the 2 smiling faces looking back at her, the picture was of her and joe on holiday that previous summer, cuddled up in the back of chippy looking out to the sunset.Dianne took in the way joe had his arm protectively wrapped round her waste, hugging her into him.There had always been a protective side of joe around Dianne since the start, he always felt the need to protect her from getting hurt, or if she was upset felt that it was his duty to make her happy again.

July 2019

Having just got back from 2 weeks on the strictly cruise, Dianne was desperate to spend some much needed quality time with her boyfriend, after being away for so long. It felt like she had barely stopped properly in months for a break, this tour marking the last one of the year, this filled Dianne with a sense of security. Touring throughout most of the year, moving from town to town daily wasn't the most conventional lifestyle, often leaving the dancer feeling un settled. But something about being back with Joe settled that feeling, because he was her home in her eyes, the place she knew she could go and seek safety, but also share her worries and concerns with him, knowing he would take the time to listen to her. 

"Come on Dot lets get out and go on a bike ride on that swanky bike of yours"
Joe burst into the room excitedly, feeling complete again with his girlfriend back in his company. Joe wasn't one to admit, but when Dianne was away he did miss her a lot, of course he knew that it was her job and he couldn't be prouder watching her tour up and down to country, but part of him wished they got to spend a little bit more time together, this was why times like this, when Dianne was home were full of making memories together.

"I'd love to"
Dianne replied pulling herself up from the sofa, body still recovering from the intense months of touring.
"We could even stop for a bite to eat"
"Sounds perfect"
Grinned joe wrapping his arms around Dianne pulling her into a hug. Inhaling the intoxicating smell of her hair, something which was strangely comforting to him.
"I'll just go and make myself look at least half presentable, you really don't want to be seen with me looking in this tragic state."
Dianne giggled pulling out of their hug, heading up stairs.
"Dot you know that I really don't care"
Dianne paused looking back.
"Like honestly you could be makeup free, in your comfys and I still think you were the prettiest girl the world"
Joe admitted, softly smiling at his girlfriend who know doubt looked exhausted, with big dark bags under her eyes, but some how still looked a million dollars.
"Thank you Joseph, but I want to make a bit of a effort we haven't been out together in weeks, days like this don't come around as often as I'd hope so I never want to waste a second!
Now while I'm making myself look beautiful, you can go and grab my bike, and try and get it in that lift cause it's a nightmare which I quite frankly can't be bothered to deal with right now"
"Ok be quick, I want to reach the park today not tomorrow please"
Joe replied knowing exactly what Dianne was like with spending excessive amounts of time getting ready and easily getting distracted. 
Dianne laughed, charging up the stairs determined to prove her boyfriend wrong, by getting ready in record timing .
Joe shook his head, smiling at how over the past year the red head had turned his life upside down, knowing he wouldn't have it any other way.
"Ready to go?"
Joe was snapped out of his thoughts to see Dianne red faced, out of puff with a triumphant look on her face.
"For someone who is supposed to be shattered from touring, that was impressively speedy, now to the park we go my stomach is already rumbling!"

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