She's missing

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January 2020

Having just finished another evening of a strictly live tour show in Leeds, feeling a little worse for wear Dianne made her way back to the make shift pro dressing rooms. She had a splitting headache, and was convinced she had a temperature. Never the less Dianne gathered together all of her belongings, stuffing them into her bag. She reached for her pack of pain killers, but was frustrated to find it completely empty. Sighing Dianne slung her bag onto her back, preparing herself to make the walk back to her hotel, deciding the fresh air would do her good. And that the sooner she made it back to her bed, the better she would feel.

"Oh hey Di, you off already?"
Amy called out, from across the changing room, while removing her eye make up.
"Yeh Ames, gonna walk back to the hotel, will do me good clearing my head".
Dianne replied, trying to hide the full extent of her sickness from her best friend. knowing it would only worry her if she knew the truth.
"Wait, your walking back on your own at this time of night?"
Amy questioned worriedly.
"Yes I'll be fine, it's only a 10 minute walk. I'm too inpatient to wait for all you slow coaches getting the bus back"
Said Dianne, plastering a smile on her face.
"I'm not sure Di, please just wait for the bus like the rest of us, I'm sure it won't be too late. I promised joe I would look out for you, because that boyfriend of yours is a worry pot, and knows exactly what crazy things you are capable of"
Amy said, shooting Dianne a sympathetic look.

She had always admired joe, for the way he treated Dianne. After being by her side through past failed relationships, watching Dianne's heart get broken time and time again, it was so rewarding to see her best friend finally happy, and had found a guy who loved the bones of her.

Just before they had left to start the tour, Joe had pulled Amy a side, and asked her for a chat...

2 weeks previously

"Oh hi Joe, you here to wave us all off?"
Amy excitedly asked, buzzing for the coming weeks of touring the whole of England with her strictly family.
"Of course I had to come and wish you guys luck .But I also had to, because Dianne's suitcase is bigger than her, so of course I was roped in to be her personal luggage carrier!"
Joe laughed, the mention of his girlfriend bringing a smile to his face.
"You liar, she told me you offered!
You don't get away that easily mr soft sugg".
Amy teased, her heart fluttered at how much of a gentlemen he was.
"Ah i should of known she would of spilled to you, anyways do you mind doing me a favour, and keeping a special look out for Dianne. I always worry that when I'm gone she forgets to put herself first, and look after herself properly, so she ends up wearing herself into the ground, the last thing she needs is to end up ill".

Joes words from those weeks prior swam around Amy's mind, as she watched Dianne walk out the door. She made a mental note to check on her, when she arrived back to the hotel, sensing something was off about her, but not being able to put her finger on it.
Maybe she's just over tired Amy thought, knowing that this amount of dancing was exhausting, even for the professionals who had been doing this type of intense touring for years.

Amy sat down continuing to remove the heavy show makeup, as the other pros slowly made there way back into the dressing room. After collecting some snacks from the cafeteria, one of the many after show rituals the professionals had.

A couple minutes passed, and the dressing room had emptied out again leaving Amy, Karen and Johannes alone. All sitting on their phones, scrolling through social media, and catching up with friends & family. Suddenly they all glanced up, as they heard a faint ring of a phone, coming from Dianne's corner.

Joe and Dianne one shot bookOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora