Coming Home

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"I'm coming home Joe"

The words which should of been filled with happiness and excitement, stung...

The truth was, Joe was shocked. Dianne being eliminated for the second year in a row in week four, was unexpected to him. After 4 solid dances, placing the pair in the mid upper end of the leader board, they appeared to be safe. Their journey only having just started, with so much potential and more to give. 

This year had been the year, which Dianne had wanted to prove herself. After her devastating elimination the year before, she had been determined to up her game once again, in hope of winning the glitterball.
The guilt that she had felt, was a feeling that she had tried to bury. But deep down Joe knew that it still played on her mind, and added to the immense amount of pressure she was already under.

The series hadn't been a easy ride. With the country in lockdown, all dancers and crew members isolated. The situation was far from ideal. But Dianne and the other professionals had pushed through, determined to put on a good show, and provide a beacon of light amongst the pandemic for the British public.

"Oh Dot"
Sighed Joe, feeling his heart break, at the sound of his girlfriends sad sniffles travel down the phone to him.
The show meant the world to her. It had been her dream since a little girl to perform on it, and one day even possibly win it. To get to this position she had made countless sacrifices, including leaving her family back home in Australia to chase her dreams...

"I let everyone down Joe"
Sobbed Dianne.
Letting people down was something Dianne hated doing. It was possibly one of the reasons of how she she often wore herself into the ground, by not turning down a single opportunity leaving her schedule back to back with little time to focus on her self.

"No you didn't Dot, everyone is so proud of you"
Desperately reassured Joe.

"I have. I let max down, I let my family down... but most importantly I let you down"
Cried Dianne.
She felt like a failure. All she had wanted was to do everyone proud, but instead she had done the opposite, and let history repeat itself yet again, with a early elimination.

"You haven't let anyone down Dot, especially me. I couldn't be prouder of you!"
Exclaimed Joe.
His heart sunk at the thought, he was one of the reasons that Dianne was sad. When in reality he was full of pride, that his girlfriend had gone out on the past four Saturday nights, and danced her socks off blowing him away. It was a feeling which would never get old, and he felt very privileged to experience.

"I have though Joe, you have sacrificed so much and have spent months alone, just for me to bail out in the competition early again"
Argued Dianne.
The fact was, she wanted Joe to be annoyed at her, she wanted him to blame her, she just wanted someone to hold her accountable for what had happened. But what frustrated her the most was, no one would. She just wanted a reason for the way she was feeling, but no one would provide it.

"I couldn't care less if I spent a year alone, if it meant you were happy doing what you love dancing. Because Dianne, all what matters to me is that your happy, and I would do anything to ensure that in a heart beat"
Declared Joe.

Joe questioned, after being met with silence from the other end of the phone.

"I- I'm just sorry"
Stuttered Dianne.
Feeling slightly comforted by her boyfriends previous words. Of course she knew Joe was proud of her. He had been her number one fan for years, supporting her every step of the way. But even after two years together, Dianne couldn't quite believe that she had found someone who provided her a level of support. That no one had came close to providing before.

"You don't have anything to be sorry about Dot, it's just unfortunate and gutting for you. Cause I know how much this meant to you.
Now what your going to do is go home back to the flats an-"

Joe and Dianne one shot bookDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora