Spiked part 1

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This one shot is a 2 parter, because it's quite long. enjoy:)

"Dot, I'm gonna head out now"
Called Joe, up the stairs.
It was his first proper night out, since the whole Covid pandemic had blown over. Allowing him to finally go on a night out with his mates.

Now in their late twenties, most of the boys lives had calmed down since their peak YouTube days. With many of them in long term relationships, or invested in new business ventures. But even though in some aspects of their lives they had matured, they were all still all up for a night out on the town, when they eventually came around.

"Let me get a look at you then"
Replied Dianne, rushing down the stairs. Eager to see what outfit, her boyfriend had ended up going for.
"Oooo very nice, I love that shirt on you it's cute"
Admired Dianne, smoothing out the collar of his shirt. Which she had bought, while on tour at a back street vintage shop years ago.

"Thanks Dot. I'll try and be as quiet as possible, when I get back later. I don't want to wake you up, when you have another day of intense rehearsals"
Said Joe. Grabbing his coat and wallet stuffing it in his pocket.

"I'll make sure the hallway is semi clear, so you don't go crashing around like I do"

Dianne, had a habit of making a racket. Especially when she left early for training, in the mornings.
Joe had a theory, that she only made so much noise. In a bid to awake him from his sleep. So he could keep her company, and possibly stretch to making her a morning coffee.

"I'm sure I'll be fine. Unlike you I don't tend to start banging pots and pans around, at un godly hours. What was that all about eh?
I thought we had a intruder!
But no, it was my annoying girlfriend,
using the saucepans as drums, at 6 o'clock this morning!"

Dianne guiltily giggled, in response to Joe. Knowing Damn well she banged the pans so hard, that they had dents in them. But Joe didn't need to know that part, she would eventually replace them anyways.

"You love me really though, don't ya?"

"Sadly I do Dot, but at this rate your lovely boyfriend is going to have died from sleep deprivation!"
Sighed Joe, his attention diverted to the flash of a notification, on his phone.

"Cars here, looks like I gotta get going. I refuse to be the last one there, otherwise first round of drinks are on me"
Groaned Joe. Pulling Dianne into a hug, and planting a soft kiss on the temple of her forehead.

"Have a good time, and remember be safe.
Take it slow yeah, you haven't been out for drinks with the boys in months!"
Mumbled Dianne, into Joe's shoulder.

She couldn't help but worry about him. Of course he was a grown man, nearly thirty in fact. But Dianne always felt a bit anxious,  when he went out with the lads. Not that she didn't trust him around other girls, that was the least of her worries.

The truth was, she was scared of the possible people out there to get him. Dianne knew from experience, not everyone in the world was kind, and had a good heart. Instead she knew, that there was people living their lives, purely to be nasty and violent.

The idea of Joe falling victim to one of these people, was one of Dianne's fears. Of course she knew, the likely hood of it happening was low. But it was a factor, which often played on her mind when they were apart.

"I will Dot, don't you worry"
Reassured Joe, pulling out of their hug, and heading to the door.

"I love you"
Dianne called out. Giving him a wave goodbye, as she headed towards the kitchen, in search of a snack to eat.

"I love you to"
Replied Joe. Blowing Dianne a quick kiss, as he closed the front door behind him.

"Look who has made a appearance! It's the main, man Joe Sugg himself!"
Mikey boomed, followed by the jeers of his fellow mates.

Joe and Dianne one shot bookOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora