For Life?

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Shouted Dianne. Rushing into her mothers arms, abandoning all of her luggage mid way up the drive way.
"I've missed you so much"
Mumbled Dianne, still deep in her mothers embrace.
"So have I Dotty, but all What matters is that your here now in one piece".
Smiled Rina, feeling like her heart was about to explode with happiness. After nearly 2 years apart, her daughter was finally back in her arms. But It hadn't been a easy ride, to get to this moment.

Due to being stuck in a global pandemic, for almost the past 2 years, with travel rules changing by the day. Dianne had been un able to travel out to Australia. Over the past year, she had cancelled and rescheduled numerous trips out, only to watch them get stopped, again and again. This had been a extremely frustrating time for Dianne. But luckily, Christmas 2021 had pulled through, allowing Dianne to jet off to Australia, in what seemed like the first time in forever.

Of course, the situation involved many catches.
She had to spend time isolating in a government hotel alone, getting regularly tested to prevent spreading the virus. Before travelling north of Perth, to be with her family. Annoyingly due to Australia's strict travel rules, Joe was un able to come with her, they had appealed the rules, on the bounds her and Joe were in a serious, long term relationship, and had been for 2 years. But the Aussies weren't having it, and had declined all their appeals.

This had left Dianne torn. Of course She wanted to see her family, in Australia more than anything. But leaving Joe behind for their first Christmas in their new home, felt almost selfish. Luckily Joe had stepped in, and had put his foot down. Making it clear that she was to go and see her family, no matter what. And he would quite happily stay behind, knowing she was safe and happy.

Now back Inside her family home, having just caught up with the rest of her family. Dianne felt a overwhelming sense of comfort. This home would forever hold a special place in her heart, it had provided her somewhere safe to go, through some of the darkest moments of her life. But had also been the place, where some of her most life changing memories had taken place.

In fact, she had been sat in the exact spot on the sofa as she was now, when she had gotten the call about burn the floor. It was her first ever professional gig, which kick started her career, leading her all the way to her current dream job on strictly.

"So Dot hows everything going, back in England?"
Dianne looked up, and smiled. Seeing her mum their, holding a strong, steaming cup of coffee she had made for her.

"It's going good mum, really good actually"
Replied Dianne. Carefully grabbing the mug with two hands, and settling back down into her place on the sofa,

"How's Joseph? Is he still treating you like a princess?"
Smirked Rina, interested in hearing more about her daughters relationship.

Her and Dianne rarely ever got a face to face girly catch up, in recent years due to her living on the other side of the world. So moments like this when she could sit back, and have a one to one chat with her daughter were special.

"Joes good, and yes of course he is mum, I have him wrapped around my little finger don't I"
Dianne winked. The mention of her boyfriend brought a smile to her face.
"O gosh, I feel for the poor guy having, to put up with you everyday! He must be exhausted, running around after you. I hope he's taking a well earned break, while your out here!"
Explained Rina.
"Well he's in it for life, he's gonna have to get used to it sooner rather than later!"
"For life?"
Emphasised Rina, taken aback by her daughters confession.
"Yeh mum, for life. This isn't some fling. I thought this was common knowledge, as we have just bought a house, and have now been together for three years?"
Dianne questioned. Confused, at her mums response. Feeling a sense of worry, that her mum didn't see them working out.
"Oh no Dot, don't get me wrong I knew you guys were serious. I have known that from the start, it always has been what you wanted. It's just hearing you say for life, took me by surprise, that's all. Probably because the last 3 years have flown by. It only feels like yesterday, when you came back that Christmas, and confirmed what we already knew about you two..."

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