Spiked part 2

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After having called the Strictly team, blaming her absence on personal issues, wanting to keep the situation as private as possible.
The last thing Dianne wanted, was a thousand phone calls from worried relatives and friends. She needed to keep her head clear as possible, if she had any chance of holding it together.

For the past couple of hours, she had held on to the hope, that Joe was going to walk through the front door. And give her the biggest hug. To reassure her, that he was ok, and it had all been one big mix up. But as the hours had past, Dianne's frustration and agitation had only grown. Leaving her feeling useless, and wasting precious time. Which could be vital to find Joe quicker.

Now nearly lunchtime, Dianne was yet to make her way into London, to join the boys on their search for Joe. Which had been full of dead ends so far, with all local pubs, hotels and cafes having no recollection, of seeing the young man.
With the trail turning cold, they had no choice but to call the police. Who had quickly arrived, and took a detailed description of Joe, to spread the word in the local area. In hope that someone may recognise him.

Opening the cupboard in search of a snack to eat, to settle her knotted stomach.
Dianne paused, noticing a pink posted note attached to the inside of the door. She recognised the writing straight away...
it was Joe's.

Carefully detaching the note from the door, Dianne sat down at the breakfast bar, letting her eyes scan across the coloured piece of paper in front of her.

Have a good day at rehearsals Dot! I love you lots, but please shut this door (carefully, no loud crashes please, I need my beauty sleep) xx

Dianne couldn't help but grin through the tears, spilling from her eyes.
Only him, would think to leave notes like that.
He was special...
possibly too special.
Maybe that was why this had happened, her luck had run out, and her dream guy gone.
Dianne just knew, that she was going to do everything in her power, not to loose that.
And if that meant walking down every London street to find him, so be it.

Hours later, after a hectic journey into London, Dianne had arrived at Caspar's apartment. Where she was greeted by a rather dishevelled bunch of men, clearly still recovering from their night before. But had pushed it aside, in order to focus on the outstanding issue of Joes disappearance.

After a brief catch up with the boys, talking through their next steps. The group had split their separate ways, to do another sweep of the area. Leaving Mikey and Dianne alone. Waiting for the police officers to return, so they could discuss next steps.

"Err do you want a coffee?"
Asked Mikey, breaking the somber silence, which had fallen in the apartment.
Bluntly replied Dianne, not tearing her gaze away from the busy street below. Which was bustling with life, full of vibrance and happiness. A stark contrast from the nightmare she was living, just a stone throw away.

"You know, he's not just going to suddenly walk past the window Dianne. Maybe give yourself a break, you going to burn out otherwise"
Gently reminded Mikey.
Who had been taking in her nervous twitches, for the past 5 minutes. He could see she was silently struggling. But his lack of experience on the female side, left him lost with what to say.

"You don't know that...
And don't tell me what to do. Your not my babysitter I can handle this on my own"
Snapped Dianne, whipping her head around to face Mikey. Narrowing her eyes.
"No no Dianne, I didn't mean it like tha-"
Frantically reassured Mikey. Shifting un comfortably in his seat, after Dianne's unexpected switch of emotion.
"You didn't mean it...?
Like you didn't mean to say, I couldn't control myself, questioning why Joe bothers trusting me with other guys..."
Cut in Dianne. Feeling her stomach start to bubble with anger, which had been brewing from the moment Mikey decided to open his gob.

Joe and Dianne one shot bookHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin