The End of this years love

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It's a sad one I'm sorry:((

"It's my time to go"

The words which Joe had been dreading to hear, had become a reality. Over the past year Joe had watched the love of his life fight for her life, numerous rounds of chemotherapy treatment later, the pair had been hit with the devastating news that the cancer crippling her body was terminal, leaving Dianne with only months left to live.
But despite everything which life had thrown at them, the pair were determined not to dwell on the negatives, and the inevitable loss of life approaching. But instead focus on making the precious time they had left together special...

As the couple slowly walked down the sandy shores, of Dianne's Aussie childhood beach. Dianne felt strangely comforted, the beach had always been her place to escape to. A place where she could be alone, and allow herself to think without being interrupted by her loud crazy family back home.
As she had grown older, and had moved away to England, returning to the beach was a moment she truly treasured, it was a magical place where so many priceless memories had occurred.
When she had brought Joe home, four years ago back in 2019. The pair had sat cuddled up on the beach, watching the sun set. That moment stood out to Dianne, as when She truly felt the happiest she had ever been. She was with her family, she had found the love of her life, and she thought it was going to last forever...

That perfect life felt like a lifetime away. Now sitting down on the sand, facing out across the sea. Joe and Dianne sat in silence, both in deep reflection. This last trip out to Australia was going to be the final one, before Dianne's health grew too fragile for her to make the long haul flight over.
So many bitter sweet memories had been made, but after every new memory, came the realisation it would be one of their last.

For Joe, the idea of this being his and Dianne's final trip together, felt surreal. The lady sat next to him, yes looked more slender and delicate than before, but it was still his Dianne, who had the beaming smile and irresistible giggle. Something which she had never lost, even through the relentless rounds of medical treatment and hospital stays. But what mattered the most, was she was still there, still fighting till the end.

"What will you do when I'm gone?"
Questioned Dianne. It had been a topic playing on her mind recently. Her and Joe had been a team for years, she couldn't remember what her day to day life looked like without him by her side. Joe and Dianne over the four years of being together hadn't gone a single day without at least a phone call, even when Dianne was busy on tour, they still had made the time for each other.

"Errr I don't know Dot, I'll just take life as it comes"

"You know I won't mind if you meet someone else... in fact I want you to"
Confessed Dianne. With her out of the picture in the future, Dianne knew that she wanted the focus to be on Joe. He had done so much for her for the past four years, making her the happiest girl in the world. Of course Dianne was heartbroken that she wasn't going to be the person to grow old with him, something the pair had always pictured.

"I don't want to think about that now Dot. Let's just focus on now and the time we have left together"
Replied Joe, wanting to swiftly change the subject. He hadn't quite got to grips with the idea that, he was going to carry on living his life after Dianne's had ended. It felt like they had skipped decades later, to when they were a old married couple with kids, grandkids and even some little great grandchildren. But in reality their love story was going to tragically end, after only four years.

"But I want to talk about it Joe, cause I'm not going to be here, and I want to know when I do... you know go... I want to leave knowing your going to be ok, and not alone"
Gulped Dianne. Burying her head into Joes shoulder. The fact was dying of course scared her, but what scared Dianne more, was the idea of life carrying on after she had gone.

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