The fall

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"Last run of the day Dev, cmon let's make it a good one!"
Dianne called out from across the studio, having quickly checked her phone to wish Joe good luck for his evening performance of waitress. Her boyfriend had been working flat out over the past couple of months on the west end show waitress, where he made his debut back in September. Dianne couldn't of been prouder, but due to their hectic schedules clashing, time spent together was limited, meaning small interactions by text were sometimes all they had during the day, but they made it work.

Dianne: Good luck tonight with the show, go smash it as always xx

Joe: Thanks Dot, how have rehearsals been today?Are you heading home soon?

Dianne: Everything is going good, we are now dancing the whole way through the routine. Just about to do our final run, then will call it a day.

Joe: Ah that's good to hear, when you get home make sure you make some dinner for yourself, don't bother waiting for me you need to get some food inside you and rest my love x

Dianne smiled, she loved how her boyfriend was so caring, and looked out for her no matter where or how busy he was. It was one of many qualities she loved about him.

Dianne: I will don't you worry Joseph, now go do me proud as always, I love you so much xx

With no further response from joe, assuming he had headed off to do vocal warm up with the rest of the cast, Dianne plugged her phone back into the speaker, setting the music up for their last run.

She slipped.

She felt herself fall from Devs strong grip, head first down towards the hard wooden studio floor.

All went black.

"Di are you ok?"
Dianne awoke to the frantic voice of her dance partner dev, who was gently shaking her in a bid to awake her from her un conscious state.
"Wha- what happened"
Dianne slurred, still only semi conscious and seeing nothing apart from stars.
"I don't know, I think I lost grip of you on the lift, and you landed heavily on your head, I'm so sorry Di!"

At that moment a team of paramedics burst into the room, accompanied by Janette who just happened to be training at the same studio, when alerted to the accident by a frantic Dev racing around to her rehearsal room.

"Di are you ok? Try not to move my love we got you"
Janette rushed over to Dianne's side, grabbing her good friends hand to provide comfort.
"Hello Dianne I'm Jenny I'm a paramedic and this is my colleague Tom, I see you have had a bit of a accident, what's been going on ere then?"
Asked The paramedic, while stabilising Dianne's back, trying to minimise movement in case of a spinal chord injury.
"She fell from a lift which is just above my shoulders, head first onto the ground. She was out cold for a good minute, before she started moving and eventually came around"
Stuttered dev, clearly freaked out from the accident he had witnessed.
"Ok so Dianne as you can feel we have mobilised your neck and spinal chord, I know it's not comfortable and hopefully shouldn't be necessary. But this is just a precaution, due to the height and position you have fallen from, to rule out exacerbating any potential injuries ok?"
"Wait have I broken my back"
Dianne whimpered, un sure if she couldn't feel pain due to shock, or some much more serious reason.
"Di listen to me"
Janette cut in, sensing the growing panic of her disorientated friend.
"You are going to be fine, this is all in place for worst case scenario, remember what you always tell everyone, positive attracts positive."
"Positive attract positive"
Repeated Dianne, taking some deep breathes to try slow down her rapidly beating heart.
"Is there anyone you would like us to call Dianne?Friends? Family? Just to let them them know what's happened"
Asked the paramedic, preparing to move Dianne up off the floor onto a stretcher.
Dianne bluntly replied.
"Di what about Joe?"
"you want him to know, and come to the hospital don't you?"
Questioned Janette, assuming Dianne's previous response was down to her lack of awareness of her current vulnerable state.
"No h- he's singing"
Dianne stuttered.
The group of people looked at each other, confused from what the red head was trying to say.
"She means he's at waitress"
Dev figured, still pacing up and down across the studio.
"She was texting him just before our last run, think she mentioned something about wishing him luck, so I assume he's currently on stage right now".
"Ok Dianne we won't call him yet"
Cut in the paramedic, after seeing Dianne's heart rate and blood pressure increase on the monitor, at the mention of her boyfriend.
"Tom lets get her onto the stretcher and into the ambo asap, I'm not liking the lack off coordination and dilation in her eyes, it's worrying me a bit"
"What does that mean?"
Janette questioned, taking from the paramedics low hushed tones that this wasn't something normal.
"After doing some tests on Dianne we have picked up on some key signs of a possible head injury, possibly more than concussion, which was what we had first expected. But we will know more once we get her up to the hospital, and run some more advanced tests like a CT scan, which can give a much clearer indication of her possible injuries"
Janette nodded trying to take in the information.
"What hospital are you taking her to?"
Janette asked while packing up Dianne's bag, ready to leave in the ambulance
"St George's, closest one to us"
The paramedic informed Janette, while wheeling Dianne towards the ambulance, who had dropped back into a state of un consciousness, un aware of the shock, which her boyfriend was going to receive in the following minutes.

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