The Future

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"Foods here, Amy! Dianne!"
Called out Oti, carrying in their Chinese takeaway, which had been dropped off outside her hotel room door.

The Pros were currently in a big strictly bubble, to film all the pro dances for the 2020 series. Of course they all missed their families, but spending two weeks in a hotel with your best friends, felt like one giant sleepover for the pros. A nice escape from the pandemic, to be in their own little dancing world.

After a long day of rehearsals, the trio has gobbled down their takeaways, and were sat on the floor chatting.

"So dbuzz how are you and lover boy sugg doing?"
Questioned Oti.
Intrigued to hear, how the pairs relationship had been affected by the lockdown. Which sadly seemed to have been, the make or brake situation for many couples.

"Oo yes how are you and Joe? From what I have seen you have been loved up as ever, movie nights on the terrace, dancing around the kitchen..."
Cut in Amy, also as interested as her friend, to hear the inside scoop of the couples relationship.

From the start, Amy had watched from the side lines, as her best friend fell head over heals for her dance partner. She watched their bond grow week on week. keeping the fact she had figured out their relationship to herself, wanting their bubble not to be burst. Until week 8 came around ...

Week 8
November 2018

As Amy walked into the pro dressing room, early on a show Saturday morning. she was surprised to spot the flash of red hair belonging to Dianne, sprawled across one of the leather couches. As Amy got closer, she could hear the gentle snores of the clearly exhausted dancer, who looked like she hadn't had a good night sleep for days.

Amy whispered, rubbing her shoulder, in a bid to wake her up. Knowing she would shortly be needed for hair and make up.
"Wha- what's wrong, is joe ok?"
Dianne mumbled, rubbing away the sleep from the corners of her eyes.
"Yes he's fine, it's you I'm worried about"
Said Amy, smoothing out Dianne's knotted hair, tucking it behind her ear.
"Why would you be worried about me, I'm fine"
"Don't take this the wrong way Di, but you look, well... a bit of a wreck"
Said Amy, slightly stumbling over her words, trying not the offend Dianne.
"Charming, but no your right. This dance has taken a lot out of me. We have been rehearsing till late every day. Joe has struggled a lot this week, and I think it's taken a toll"
Dianne sighed.

The past week, had been the most stressful by far for the pair. The samba proving to be their toughest match yet, never the less, the two of them had powered through, determined to survive another week to make it to Blackpool.

"One too many sugg sleepovers I think"
Amy whispered into her ear, un able to hide her suspicions any longer. Dianne abruptly sat up, eyes wide as a deer in head lights.

"Wha- what no it's not like that!"
Dianne sharply replied. Reluctant to let her best friend know the truth of the relationships rumours, which had been circulating.

"Di, calm down, I know. And I'm happy for you, I really am"
Smiled Amy, reassuringly.
"How did you know?"
Dianne bluntly replied.
frustrated that their secret was not as well kept, as she previously had thought.
"Oh Di, the connection between you two is so obvious, your personalities literally bounce off each other. Not to mention the holding hands and the lingering eye contact, not exactly typical best friend behaviour is it?"

"I guess not, no"
Dianne looked away from her friend, smiling bashfully.
"You really like him don't you?"
Dianne nodded, in response to Amy's question.
"It just feels so different, and special. I feel things which, I have never felt before in previous relationships, am I crazy doing this?"
Questioned Dianne.
Flopping back onto the couch, running her fingers through her red hair.
"No I don't think your crazy, if you think Joe is the one for you, why let  him walk away? Your only regret it. And if you want my opinion, I have never ever seen you this happy, like ever. Even when you walked out onto the strictly floor, last year for the first time. Nothing is comparable to your smile with him. I don't know if it's too soon to say, but I get forever vibes from him"

"Me and Joe are amazing, is it selfish to say, part of me enjoyed being stuck inside with him, for all those months? It almost... as cliche as this sounds, its made me fall more in love with him, which I didn't know was possible. I always assumed once couples hit 2 years together, they had reached the peak of their love, honeymoon phase long gone. But with us it's different ."

"That is the sweetest thing I ever heard. Lets be real Di there has always been something different about you and Joe, you fell in love on a bloomin dance show!"
Amy giggled, taking a swig of her gin and tonic.

"So what's next for the suggwells? Got any plans after the strictly chaos of this year ends?"
Oti questioned, excited to see what else the love struck couple had in store.
"Well me and Joe have been talking about the future, possibly moving out of London sooner rather than later is on the cards"

"Oh my Gosh!! Di that's amazing!"
Amy burst out, pulling her friend into a hug.
"How do you feel about that"
Added Oti, taking in the lack of emotion on Dianne's face.

"Truthfully, I don't know"
Dianne shook her head, mind boggled from just the idea of it.
"Talk to us Di, whats your thoughts"
Pressed Oti, determined to help un scramble her friends thoughts.

"Well on one side, of course I'm all for it, it's always been me and Joes dream to move out to the country side. It's  always been the place we both saw ourselves settling down, starting a family... But on the other hand it scares me. Like our relationship is really forever, and we are seriously going to do this. It feels like such a giant step, which I know we're ready for, but it just seems too surreal."

After listening carefully to what her friend had to say, Oti pieced together all of Dianne's thoughts and feelings, coming to a conclusion.

"It's because your scared of the unknown Di, don't take this the wrong way but you have been down the relationship road many times. But nothing as serious as this, has ever come out of it. Now you have reached a big relationship step, which you have never got anywhere near as close to before, and it's freaked you out. Almost as if the idea of someone wanting to settle down with you, is completely un believable. I can tell you now, that man has wanted this from the moment he met you, and you know it."

Dianne nodded, taking in what her friend had just told her.
"Yeh I think your right, for the first time in my life, I am having to make a decision, which is for once not all about me, but instead shared with the person I love the most. Which feels completely crazy, as for me it's like we met yesterday. Time has gone so quick, that now sitting back, and seeing how much our relationship has progressed, has taken me by surprise."

"I think another reason is Di your worried of feeling un settled again. Correct me if I'm wrong, but Joes flat, has been your first proper home in the uk, since you left Australia. You have spent the whole of your adult life, moving from country to country, never in one place for too long. But once you met Joe, you felt settled. His home became yours, and it felt like you had lived there forever. But now the idea of having to pack up your life again, and move to a un known part of the uk rattles you, because you have experienced that feeling all too many times before, and you are quite frankly over it.
But I'll tell you one thing Di, Joe is your home, and always will be. So this step in your life will feel so right and natural, almost like it was meant to be, because he will be by your side, ready to move into the next chapter of your lives together."

Amy sat back, satisfied with her point she had just made. The two of them sat and watched, as Dianne sat there deep in thought, contemplating the past years of her life, which had no doubt been life changing. And the future, which now thanks to the girls seemed ten times less scary, and if anything magical.

She was about to start a new adventure, into the unknown. which now seemed exciting full of irreplaceable, life changing memories ready to be made. Which she got to share with, none other than the love of her life.

Life moves on, changes happen, big decisions are made. But all is ok, because the next chapter of the love story, still has that special person there, holding your hand. Bracing for the next adventure together.

It was just the start of forever.

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