Victoria Secret Bag

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"Alright, when you go inside the house there is no way you can hide that bag from your dad. Just give him his hug as usual and go upstairs to your room or something. Okay" you told your daughter y/d/n.
"Okay Mom" y/d/n replied.
We got out the car and walked towards the house. I unlocked the door and walked in to where Justin came into sight with our youngest son on his shoulders.
"Mommy! Y/d/n!" y/s/n yelled as he saw us and started wiggling to get off of Justin's shoulders.
He came running towards us right into our open arms greeting us each with a kiss on the cheek and a wide smile. He sure does love us, it's clear on his face.
"How was your day?" Y/s/n asked.
"Ours was great! How about yours?" my daughter asked.
"Me and Daddy played all day long and we are yummy sandwiches for lunch" he answered with a bright smile on his face.
"I got a new toy for you! You want to go play with it?" Y/d/n asked leaning towards the stairs.
"Yeah!" he exclaimed and ran up the stairs into the play room.
"Hey Dad, how are you?" Y/d/n questioned and kissed his cheek.
"I'm good baby girl, missed my two girls all day" he replied kissing the top of her forehead.
Giving him one last hug she ran up the stairs giving me a discrete wink and a thumbs up before disappearing.
"Hey love" I greeted him as we sat in the couch.
"Why does our daughter have a Victoria's Secret bag in her hand?" he asked bluntly.
"Because she is fifteen years old" I stated.
"So why is she in that store?" he questioned.
Oh uh, Daddy's getting upset of his little girl.
"She needs a bra to where" I said.
"Can't she just wear an undershirt?" he quizzed.
"She could if you want her breasts to be everywhere and boys seeing her nipples, of course she could" I confirmed watched my as he rapidly shook his head no.
"Are they sexy bras?" He murmured.
"No Justin. I just got her t-shirt bras. No lift, no extra padding, no lacy, no bows, nothing. Justin black, white, gray, and tan" you answered.
Justin leaned back with his head tilting upwards as he ran his hands over his face. You could see as he took deep breaths before looking back at you.
"I don't want her to grow up y/n, I want her to be my little girl. I want to go back to the days where I was the only male who could make her happy and smile. Now some dumb boy is going to want her and one day she'll move out. I know I'm not ready for this" he confessed walking over to my frame and slouching against me.
"Justin, she'll always be your girl. You were the first one to make her smile and laugh. No matter what, you'll always have her. Just know that she loves you as much as you love her" I comforted running my fingers through his hair.
"That better be the last time she is in that store until she's thirty" Justin grumbled making me laugh.
"Of course Justin" I smiled.
I feel like a lot of dads don't like when their daughter gets a bra. I think that's when they realize that they are growing up.
Question of the Day: Do any of you guys have any requests?
QOTD2: How do you feel now that Justin is 21?
I think that he understands his responsibilities and that 2015 is going to be his come back year. I'm happy that he's been hanging around positive people who are going good and changing. So proud of him. Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed!

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