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Requested by and dedicated to @_NotYas
Today was Justin and yours fifth anniversary of being married. You never thought that the two of you would actually get this far together. You have a three year daughter and a son on the way in a few months.
Right now, you were looking back at one of the worst times in your relationship. An event that really tested the strength of your bond.
You were in the kitchen of your apartment finishing up dinner as your cell phone rang. You picked it up and saw that it was your boyfriend Justin.
"Hey babe, I'm on my way over. I have ice cream and movies"
"Okay, well I'm just finishing up dinner. Come right in when you get here okay?"
"Okay, I love you"
"I love you too"
You pulled on some sweatpants and fixed your hair into a presentable curly puff. It was honestly one of your easiest go to hairstyles. Especially when your hair was all tangled up in a knot.
You turned the stove off just as the front door opened. Justin rounded the corner and gave you a kiss on the cheek.
"Hey love" he greeted.
"Hey Jay" you replied.
You reached up in your toes and gave him a quick kiss.
"Whatcha make?" Justin asked reaching over you to grab two plates.
"Meatballs and gravy, rice, and broccoli" you stated.
"Mhmm" Justin hummed licking his lips.
He dished up the both of your plates and brought them to the living room. You grabbed two glasses and the pitcher of iced tea from the fridge bringing them along with you.
"Which one do you want to watch first?" he asked spreading the movies across the floor.
"Pocahontas" you squealed.
You haven't seen that movie in the longest of time! It was one of the movies that you felt were a classic. Especially the soundtrack. She was also one of the first Disney princesses that weren't white. Which is part, basically all,  of the reason you loved her so much.
Justin laughed and shook his head pushing the DVD in the slot. Once he sat down next to you, the both of you guys placed for plate in your laps and began digging in.
"I love your food so much" Justin said with a mouth full of food.
A knock of the door sounded. You stood up and opened it. There stood two police officers in front of you.
"Good evening Ms. Y/L/N, we were wondering if Justin Bieber was around tonight?" Officer Williams said.
"Yeah, he's right inside. Is there a problem?" I asked.
"May we come inside?" Officer Wilson replied.
I nodded and moved aside opening the door wider for them to come in. I escorted them into the living room where Justin had been sitting. When he turned around and saw the police officers standing the living room of my apartment, his eyes grew as wide as saucers.
"Justin Bieber, you are under arrest for the possession of illegal drugs" Officer Wilson stated.
As Officer Williams walked over to Justin and placed the handcuffs on his wrists, I was frozen in a state of shock.
My Justin? My sweet Justin has been involved with drugs? ILLEGAL drugs? As they walked him outside to the police car, my eyes connected with his before he went back to hanging his head in shame.
As they drove away to the police station, I quickly called Scooter hopping into my car.
"Scooter! Justin got arrested"
"What do you mean he got arrested? For what?"
"The police came to my house asking for him and said that he is charged with the possession of illegal drugs"
"Are you serious?" he stressed.
"Yes I'm serious. I'm on my way to the police station"
"I'll meet you there"
He hung up and I sped off.
When you got to the police station, everything was pure chaos. There were fans and reporters surrounding the entire building, some crying and others in shock.
I paid off his bail in cash. I couldn't let him stay in there any longer than the night he had too. I wouldn't be able to bear it, ever.
He was quiet, very quiet. It was almost as if I was the parent and he was the child who just got scolded. I hoped he was thinking of what he had done.
Ever since that moment, it had been a piece of work. It took a lot of trust and building to get him to stand alone. Even more to get our relationship string and back to where it was. But I'll never forget it, nor regret it.
Love takes work. It's not easy. The both of you guys have to want it just as much as the other. But I must say,
He's my Possesion.
Hey guys! I'm back!
Question of the Day: Would you rather be six inches taller or shorter?
Answer of the Day: I'd rather be six inches shorter because other wise I'd be over six feet tall.
Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed! I hope I can start updating a lot more. Feel free to email me, including ideas too at biebersmikayla@yahoo.com.

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