The Man Next Door

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Everyday this man comes in and captures all of our hearts. He picks up his son from the classroom down the hallway. The sons teacher is a woman in her forty's that is married with children but then again she's still so lucky.
The teachers around me say that he has an interest in me because he always sends a wave my way or a short greeting, but ignores the other ladies that are around me. I find that very sweet and flattering but let's be real, it's probably not what it seems at all.
His son Anthony always comes around to my classroom with drawings that I hang up around the classroom. During recess he plays with a lot of the boys from my class and has seemed to take a liking to me. He also lives two doors down from me on our street.
Today after all the kids were picked up I walked into the office picking up my mail out of the box and saw Ant sitting in the chair waiting.
"You okay little buddy?" I asked ruffling his hair.
"Yeah, I'm just waiting for my Daddy to come pick me up" he answered.
The secretary came rushing out and looked relieved when her eyes set upon me.
"Oh thank goodness, you still here! His father wants to talk to you" she said.
"Hello?" I said.
"Hi Miss. y/l/n. I was wondering if you could take Ant with you home? There is so much traffic and it looks like I'll be stuck in it another hour" he explained.
"Of course, no problem" I reassured.
"Thank you so much" he said.
"Well Ant, your going to stay at my house until your Daddy gets out of traffic okay?" I said.
"So I can play with Ollie?" he wondered and I nodded.
I made sure he was buckled in the seatbelt before pulling off on the road. The journey home took about ten minutes as he lived in the school district. When I opened the door, my dog Ollie immediately came running to our feet, jumping in happiness at the sight of us. After playing with Ollie for awhile, Ant took out his homework and sat at the kitchen table starting it.
It amazes me.
I cooked dinner for the two of us since it was nearing six o'clock and he gracefully ate it after saying his prayers. When dinner was done, I set the television on a show he enjoyed and washed up the dishes. The doorbell rang throughout the house and I opened it, knowing it would be him.
"Hi Ms. Y/l/n. Thank you again so much for taking him" he gratefully said again.
"He was perfectly fine. We just ate dinner if you would like some? Ant could finish watching his show?" I offered.
He nodded his head as I stepped to the side letting him in. Ant noticed him and quickly ran towards him engulfing his dad in a hug.
"Daddy! I missed you!" Ant exclaimed.
"I missed you too buddy, have you had fun with Miss. y/l/n?" he asked.
Ant nodded rapidly, "her food was so good! I said my blessing and said thank you."
After Justin got done eating and Ant was packing up his stuff, Justin and I were talking in the kitchen.
"So uh, y/n I was wondering if you would like to go out to dinner with me Saturday night?" He stuttered out.
I nodded excitedly, "I would love too."
"Can you also go to the carnival with me please?" Ant jumped in.
"Of course Ant" I said hugging him.
They later turned out to be my family, the loves of my life. Justin and I had one more boy and girl to complete our family. Who knew the man next door.
Sorry it took so long😬. I want to update at least twice a week. Hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading. Comment any preferences you would like in the future.

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