Belieber Moments

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Do you ever just sit down and think about how your life has turned. If your in a spot you thought wasn't even possible with the highest of hopes? Then you feel so grateful and fortunate that those dreams did come true for you? Yeah, that happens so often as of lately.
Your sitting at home remembering when you were that Belieber dying for Justin's attention. Wanting him to notice you and tell you that he loves you as much as you loved him.
Going on your laptop you searched up the first time you went to see him live. The first time you knew he was actually real, that he was breathing. It was during the My World tour you got to see him. As the tears rolled down your face, Justin walked into the room.
"Baby what's wrong?" He asked rushing to your side.
You couldn't form any words not being able to clearly communicate how it felt. He wrapped his arm around you bringing you closer to his chest. His hands soothingly rubbed on your back as he rocked the both of you back and forth.
As your cries were reduced to hiccups he tried again, "Why were you crying baby?"
"I'm not upset or anything. I was just watching the first time I got to see you live. When I was a belieber screaming your name in the crowd with thousands of others. It's just crazy how far you've come creatively and us together. I never thought that I would be wrapped in your arms around as that's all I wanted" I said.
"Aw baby, that is so sweet. Ya know, sometimes I wish I could spend at least one hour with each of my beliebers so they know how much they mean to me. I'm glad I get to spend forever with you" he smiled.
Even though he's trying I know he could never understand the undying love I have for him. How much he means to me. I remember hearing his young voice for the first time on YouTube thinking 'wow this boy can sing'. Then seeing him get discovered and then blowing up once One Time came out. I fell in love with his lyrics and how they connected to me, how we were going through the same things together. I fell in love with a complete stranger but it was so safe.
He's saved me and for that I can do nothing in return but love him.
This came about because last night I was watching Justin Bieber in Brazil 2011 so this came about. Comment your funniest joke, Bieber related or not. Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed!

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