The Lion Whisperer

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Thank you for over 50,000 reads and over 2,000 votes! That is just absolutely incredible! I started this book on the first of the year and never thought it would get this far. Enjoy!
Your parents met in Africa where your father was a heir to a Lion Park. It was a typical love story where the woman was on vacation and spotted somebody who really caught her eye. At the time, it was her eighteenth birthday so she chose to stay there in order to know the man better. A few years later they got married in Africa where the woman officially moved too and had a baby, you.
Your Dad was big with predator conservation in South Africa. He owned a Lion Kingdom where there were about twenty lions that he hand raised or got when they were young cubs. You also grew up with these lions so you're apart of their pride. When you go in to see them, they run up to you and tackle you onto the ground.
You recently started dating your boyfriend Justin that you had been friends with for awhile. You guys met at the concert he had a few years back and immediately clicked.
Since you guys had been hanging out so much on Justin's break, most of the lions -especially Tau- has noticed the new male scent on your clothes. When they smelled it, they would growl lowly and rub themselves all over you in order to cover you in their scent.
Today you were visiting the first pride that was formed in the Lion Kingdom. It was the lions feeding time so you had a bucket of raw meat that was also they're favorite snack.
"Tau! Napoleon!" You yelled and whistled.
Through the moving grass you could see the figures of the moving lions running towards you. You say on the ground awaiting they're arrival before they ran right into your arms.
You felt large paws on your shoulders and a rough tongue licking your cheek. You gave each one of them a kiss on their head before handing out they're lunch.
You sat underneath of the largest tree watching them feed until Penelope, a lioness with three cubs, came and laid the most she could in your lap. The rest slowly joined and you soon began talking.
"So guys, tomorrow I'm going to bring Justin along with me so you'll get to see him. The scent that you have smelled these past couple of week is from Justin. Please don't be too harsh with him" I said as they looked at me with curiosity.
***Next Day***
You and Justin arrived at the Kingdom around noon and immediately went to see Tau and the others. As if they were waiting for your arrival, they had already gathered at the fence where you walked in.
Tau and Napoleon growled at the site of Justin and being able to smell his scent. The lionesses and cubs backed up and let the males of the pride scare off any 'predators'. You walked inside and quickly closed the fence knowing that if you had left it open that they would have tried to get him.
The males instantly wrapped themselves around you in attempts of hiding you and covering you in only their set. After a half hour, the males had settled down and you gently whispered into their ears.
"Please be nice to him. I really, really like him and I sort of think he's the one. I've never felt the way I feel around him. Please don't scare him away" you said to them.
Both of their bodies moved towards the fence where Justin was standing and began rubbing against it hoping to get some sort of contact with him. You watched as Justin released the tension in his body as you told him last night and let them smell him.
You opened the gate and let Justin in as you stood straight in front of him, just in case. Everyone stood up and the cubs walked straight over to Justin smelling him before jumping around and skipping off happily. The lionesses calmed down because if there cubs were hurt because of you, you're dead.
The males slowly rose use and walked cautiously towards the unfamiliar male. They each got on one side of him now exploring the new scent that was entering their territory. It's obvious that they didn't see him as a threat because otherwise they wouldn't have let him step foot into this enclosure.
Slowly, each of them sat down comfortably at his feet. You motioned for him to sit down and he did. They each gave him a lick on the cheek which you could tell slightly hurt him because of the roughness of their tongues. But hey! That's how they show their affection.
You guys spent the rest of the day lounging around the enclosure or you showing Justin around. You let him pass out their lunch and dinner then showed him how to bottle feed the cubs.
Many may wonder why they accepted Justin so easily. But in the secret rules of the pride, if a member brings another person in they get easily accepted. They know that you wouldn't put them in any danger. They trust you. But most of all, you're part of the pack.
This was random but I was on YouTube and this was recommended for me to watch because I like cool documentaries about animals and stuff.
Question of the Day: What is your favorite animal?
My is Felines in general. Especially cheetah and lions. I think that they are so pretty! Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed!

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