Your Into Art

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As a little date, Justin wanted to an art museum. Since you were a little girl you've always loved paintings and sometimes even the mystery of the story that goes with it.
"Are you ready to leave babe?" Justin asked as you walked down the stairs.
"Yeah, let's go" you confirmed.
As always, Justin complimented you before escorting you out of the door. He opened the car door for you and you thanked him before he drove off.
Thankfully, Justin had gotten the tickets ahead of time so you guys didn't have to wait in line and risk being seen by so many people. Justin held your hand and walked the both of you to the guy who scans the tickets for admission. As soon as you walked in you were instantly amazed. The walls were covered by some of the best paintings/drawings you had ever seen.
"Wow Justin! This is amazing!" You exclaimed.
The both of you walked around until you saw a painting that was just like the ones you love. The ones that celebrate a women, show there features and exactly how beautiful they really are.
You stood by the picture amazed. Justin's arms wrapped around your waist pulling himself closer to you.
"You like it?" He asked planting a chaste kiss on your neck.
"Yeah, I think that these are beautiful, especially when they are drawn by a man. It shows a lot sensuality and appreciation to the features of a woman" you explained.
"Well, just know that I appreciate you and your features. Especially these curves." he murmured in your ear.
Does anybody love art? Like, sculptures, paintings, and drawings? Hope you enjoyed. Thanks for reading!
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