First Night Sleeping Together

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You and Justin have been dating for a little over eight months now and you have to say that it has been the best ones of your life.
The two of you spend many days together whether you guys go over one of each other's houses or go out showing each other off.
Today, you came over Justin's house early in the morning and ate breakfast before going to Rodeo Drive. You wanted to spoil Justin at least one time at one store but of course he was just refusing to even think of it.
You saw him eyeing a watch last week in a jewelry store. While he was going to the bathroom, you quickly purchased the watch and had it wrapped up as he came back walking towards you before you put your hand out.
"What's this baby?" he asked.
"Just take it as an I love you present" You smiled.
He kissed my cheek and grabbed the present, carefully unwrapping it and stuck the bow onto his shirt. Dork.
"Thank you baby, I was just looking at this the other day" he exclaimed.
You clipped it onto his wrist as he leaned down to place a kiss into your forehead.
After running around to random places all day we headed back to Justin's place. You and Justin placed all your bags into your car and Justin invited you in to stay a little longer. You guys lounged on the couch talking and laughing at the littlest things that was said.
You loved that about your relationship, it wasn't built on impressing each other. It was the overall fact that you could sit down and have a conversation. You looked over to the clock and saw that it was well past two am.
"Would you like to stay the night?" Justin asked you.
"Sure" you replied timidly.
Justin grabbed your hand and led you to his bedroom. He grabbed one of his shirts that you absolutely loved and handed it to you before walking out of the room, of course without a wink.
You quickly changed and opened the door just as Justin came back in with basketball shorts on. He motioned you over to the bed and opened the covers inviting you in.
You slid in the covers and the both of you kept you distance from each other as you guys stared at the ceiling. You closed your eyes in hope of getting sleep but it never came. You then laid on your side away from Justin but that didn't work either.
Hands came and wrapped around your waist as Justin pulled you towards him. He rolled you over so you were facing him and lifted your leg across his waist. You laid your head on his chest as he put his free arm around you holding you as close to him as possible.
"Goodnight sweetheart. I love you" he whispered into you hair before placing a kiss.
"Night Jay. I love you too, so much" you murmured contently.
That night, the both of you got the best sleep of your life, in the arms of your lover.
I thought of this last night when I kept rolling around trying to sleep before I cuddled up to my pillow named Justin and immediately was knocked out.
Question of the Day: Have any of you guys dated outside of your race?
I haven't, obviously. But I would like to, especially white boys 💦. A lot of them in bwwm relationships seem very affectionate and caring with their spouse. When I get older I would love to have that, I'm not the most affectionate person but if I loved them I think I would be. Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed!

Justin Bieber Interracial PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now