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You and your boyfriend Justin have been together for two and a half years. Even though his rough patch, you were always there for him, as much as he let you. But now you can honestly say that since he's been finding himself and being near the people he loves most, not only has he grown as a person but your relationship has also grown. You are beyond proud at how much he has matured over the past year or so.
But now it's nearing that amazing womanly time of the month and you just couldn't stand him. At all.
It's like every single thing he does annoys you, for no reason.
"Justin! I'm leaving, I'll be back. Love you" you yelled walking out the door.
"Love you too" he yelled.
You got into your car and drove to the pharmacy to pick up your prescription. Since you were thirteen, you had been taking birth control pills. One time, your mom had mentioned to the doctor that in the first day of your cycle, you would throw up. He said that it was caused by your hormones being unbalanced and prescribed you these.
You had called early this morning when you got out of bed before Justin woke up. He never knew and to you, even though it shouldn't be, it was a very awkward conversation to have.
After paying your fifteen dollar co-pay, you exited the pharmacy bidding them a bright goodbye. As soon as you stepped outside on to the sidewalk, you heard the familiar sound of camera clicks making you inwardly groan.
You walked quickly to your car trying to escape the throng of men called the paparazzi. As you quickened your pace, so did they, leaving a minimal space between you and them.
"Y/N! Y/N! What's in that bag? Do you have a STD?"
"Y/N! Is that birth control?"
"Do you have birth control because your cheating on Justin?"
"Is you guy's sex life picking up? Is that what the pills are for?"
You made it to your car and hurriedly got in making sure to lock the door. As they crowded your car, you pressed on the horn and the gas pedal making them clear a small bit. Moving the shift into drive, you slowly began to go forward watching as they scattered quickly.
'They are dumb as hell if they thought I wasn't going to run them out of my way' you thought to yourself.
Walking into the house, Justin was on the couch watching tv.
"I'm back" you huffed as you started up the stairs.
"Are you okay?" he questioned.
"Fine" you stated before going into your bedroom.
Justin's POV
Scrolling through Twitter, I noticed that my mentions were coming in really quick. I ran through some of them. They were all pictures of y/n today when she left.
"@EntertainmentTonight: Justin Bieber's girlfriend Y/N Y/L/N on birth control?"
I walked upstairs into our room where I knew she would be. She was face down on the bed with her head stuffed in a pillow.
(Get yo heads out the gutter😂-Mikayla)
I sat down beside her and rubbed her back.
"Babe" I said as she hummed.
"Are you on birth control?" I questioned.
She flipped over and sat up turning so she was facing me.
"Yeah" she said.
"How come?" I asked spreading my legs so she could sit between them.
"I got my period when I was 10 which is like so early, the summer before I was in fifth grade. Then when I was around thirteen, I started throwing up on the first day of my cycle so my doctor gave me birth control to balance my hormones because that isn't normal. As long as I have my period, I'm going to be taking those" she explained.
"Why didn't you ever tell me" I said rubbing her shoulders.
"I don't know" she shrugged, "it's not the best conversation to have and normally boys want absolutely nothing to do with periods and stuff."
"Well I love you, so I want to have everything to do with your periods and stuff" I mocked her making a small smile cross her face.
"But really, if you wanted to do the dirty with me, you could've just asked a long time ago" I smirked as she hit my arm.
"Justin!" she yelped.
"You can scream my name just like that baby girl"
Hey guys! I don't know where I pulled this from but it came out to be pretty interesting! I hope it entertained someone.
Question of the Day: What is something you did as a child that your parents don't know about?
AOTD: If my Grandma and Mom weren't home, my siblings and I would take off all the couch cushions and place them around and jump from one to the other.
I also used to steal our board games out of my mom's closet.
I'm going to be publishing the first chapter of His Luna by next Thursday so look for that. Thank you reading! Hope you enjoyed!

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